Rotating a Bitmap by 90 DegreesLast reviewed: November 2, 1995Article ID: Q77127 |
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SUMMARYThere are no Windows functions that directly rotate bitmaps. All techniques for rotating bitmaps in Windows involve copying the rows from a source bitmap into the columns of a destination bitmap. The following contains code for rotating a bitmap using GetPixel() and SetPixel(), and contains an outline of code for rotating device independent bitmaps (DIB).
MORE INFORMATIONA device dependent bitmap (DDB) can be rotated using the GetPixel() and SetPixel() functions. To rotate the bitmap, use the following code: HBITMAP Rotate90(HDC hDC, HBITMAP hSourceBitmap) { HBITMAP hOldSourceBitmap, hOldDestBitmap, hDestBitmap; HDC hMemSrc, hMemDest; int height, width; int i, j; BITMAP iSrcBitmap; // Step 1: Create a memory DC for the source and destination bitmaps // compatible with the device used. hMemSrc = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); hMemDest= CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); // Step 2: Get the height and width of the source bitmap. GetObject(hSourceBitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPSTR)&SrcBitmap); width = SrcBitmap.bmWidth; height = SrcBitmap.bmHeight; // Step 3: Select the source bitmap into the source DC. Create a // destination bitmap, and select it into the destination DC. hOldSourceBitmap = SelectObject(hMemSrc, hSourceBitmap); hDestBitmap = CreateBitmap(height, width, SrcBitmap.bmPlanes, SrcBitmap.bmBitsPixel, NULL); if (!hDestBitmap) return(hDestBitmap); hOldDestBitmap = SelectObject(hMemDest, hDestBitmap); // Step 4: Copy the pixels from the source to the destination. for (i = 0; i < width; ++i) for (j = 0; j < height; ++j) SetPixel(hMemDest, j, width - 1 - i, GetPixel(hMemSrc, i, j)); // Step 5: Destroy the DCs. SelectObject(hMemSrc, hOldSourceBitmap); SelectObject(hMemDest, hOldDestBitmap); DeleteDC(hMemDest); DeleteDC(hMemSrc); // Step 6: Return the rotated bitmap. return(hDestBitmap);} If the bitmap is larger, using GetPixel() and SetPixel() may be too slow. If this is the case, there are two options:
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