When installing Windows 3.1 to upgrade from Windows 3.0, the
SYSTEM.INI [boot] section's display.drv= may not get updated if a
font package has changed this line from one of Windows 3.0 drivers
to its own driver. Hewlett-Packard (HP) Intellifont and Bitstream
FaceLift do this.
EGA Machines
On an EGA machine, the symptoms of this problem are not being able
to start Windows and an error message asking for Setup to be run
To correct this problem, run the Windows MS-DOS maintenance mode
Setup to update the display driver.
Bitstream FaceLift
With Bitstream FaceLift, the symptoms of the display driver not
being updated are (a) an aborted setup where you are dropped back
into MS-DOS, or (b) after setup completes you attempt to restart and
restart Windows, and you are dropped back into MS-DOS.
To correct the problem:
a. At the MS-DOS command prompt from outside Windows, change to your
Windows directory.
b. Type the following and then press ENTER:
c. Select the Display option, and press ENTER.
d. Choose your display type, then press ENTER.
e. Press ENTER again, then press ESC. (This replaces the
existing display driver.)
f. Insert the correct Windows 3.1 disk, or change the
drive and directory to point to the correct driver.
g. Restart Windows.