Windows 95 Command-Line SwitchesLast reviewed: January 9, 1998Article ID: Q142544 |
The information in this article applies to:
SUMMARYThis article lists the command-line switches for is called by Io.sys after the Autoexec.bat file is processed, and starts the Windows 95 startup process.
MORE INFORMATIONThe syntax for is:
WIN {/D:[F] [M] [N] [S] [V] [X]} [/W] [/WX]The command-line switches for are described below:
/W Restores the Config.sys and Autoexec.bat files from Config.wos and Autoexec.wos and prompts: Press Any Key To continue... Pressing a key reboots the system back to Windows 95. /WX Restores the Config.sys and Autoexec.bat files from Config.wos and Autoexec.wos and reboots the system to Windows 95. NOTE: .wos files are created when you open a program requiring MS-DOS mode and you have specified a new MS-DOS-mode configuration. You might need to use the /W or /WX switch if you shut off your computer while you are running an MS-DOS-based program that requires MS-DOS mode and you want to return to Windows 95. /D: Used for troubleshooting when Windows 95 does not start correctly. This switch is used with the following switches: F Turns off 32-bit disk access. This is equivalent to "32BitDiskAccess=false" in the System.ini file. M Enables Safe mode. This is automatically enabled during a Safe-mode boot (by pressing F5). N Enables Safe mode with networking. This is automatically enabled during a Safe-mode boot (by pressing F6). S Specifies that Windows 95 should not use ROM address space between F000:0000 and 1 MB for a break point. This is equivalent to the "SystemROMBreakPoint=false" setting in the [386Enh] section of the System.ini file. V Specifies that the ROM routine handles interrupts from the hard disk controller. This is equivalent to the "VirtualHDIRQ=false" setting in the System.ini file. X Excludes all of the adapter area from the range of memory that Windows 95 scans to find unused space. This is equivalent to the "EMMExclude=A000-FFFF" setting in the System.ini file. |
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