REG: Server Service Entries, PART 2Last reviewed: May 8, 1997Article ID: Q102969 |
The information in this article applies to:
This is the second of two articles on these entries; for the other entries, see "Server Service Entries, Part 1".
SERVER SERVICE ENTRIESWith Registry Editor, you can modify the startup parameters for the Server service. Unless otherwise noted, these parameters are found in this path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet \Services\LanmanServer\ParametersThe parameters that control network bindings for this service are described in the article on "NetRules Subkey Entries." This is the second of two articles on these entries; for the other entries, see Server Service Entries, Part 1.
MinFreeConnections REG_DWORD 2 to 5 itemsDefault: (depends upon configuration) Specifies the minimum number of free connection blocks maintained per endpoint.
MinFreeWorkItems REG_DWORD 0 to 10 itemsDefault: 2 Specifies the minimum number of available receive work items that are needed for the server to begin processing a potentially blocking SMB. A larger value for this parameter ensures that work items are available more frequently for nonblocking requests, but it also increases the likelihood that blocking requests will be rejected.
MinKeepSearch REG_DWORD 5 to 5000 secondsDefault: 480 Specifies the minimum amount of time that the server will keep incomplete MS DOS searches, even if more search entries are needed. This parameter only matters when the server is near the maximum number of open searches it is allowed.
MinLinkThroughput REG_DWORD 0 to infinite bytes per secondDefault: 0 Specifies the minimum link throughput allowed by the server before it disables raw and opportunistic locks for this connection.
MinRcvQueue REG_DWORD 0 to 10 itemsDefault: 2 Specifies the minimum number of free receive work items needed by the server before it begins allocating more. A larger value for this parameter helps ensure that there will always be work items available, but a value that is too large is simply inefficient.
NetworkErrorThreshold REG_DWORD 1 to 100 percentDefault: 5 percent Triggers an alert whenever the percentage of failing network operations relative to total network operations exceeds this value during the AlertSched interval.
NumBlockThreads REG_DWORD 1 to 10 threadsDefault: (depends on configuration) Specifies the number of threads set aside by the server to service requests that can block the thread for a significant amount of time. Larger values can increase performance but use more memory. A value that is too large can impede performance by causing excessive task switching.
OpenSearch REG_DWORD 1 to 2048 searchesDefault: 2048 Specifies the maximum number of outstanding searches on the server, per connection. A single client can have up to the OpenSearch number of active searches. This includes all types of searches, including MS- DOS, OS/2, and Windows NT.
OplockBreakWait REG_DWORD 10 to 180 secondsDefault: 35 Specifies the time that the server waits for a client to respond to an oplock break request. Smaller values can allow detection of crashed clients more quickly but can potentially cause loss of cached data.
RawWorkItems REG_DWORD 1 to 512 itemsDefault: (depends on configuration) Specifies the number of special work items for raw I/O that the server uses. A larger value for this parameter can increase performance but costs more memory.
ScavTimeout REG_DWORD 1 to 300 secondsDefault: 30 Specifies the time that the scavenger remains idle before waking up to service requests. A smaller value for this parameter improves the response of the server to various events but costs CPU cycles.
ScavQosInfoUpdateTime REG_DWORD 0 to 100,000 secondsDefault: 300 Specifies the time that can pass before the scavenger goes through the list of active connections to update the link information.
SessConns REG_DWORD 1 to 2048 connectionsDefault: 2048 Specifies the maximum number of tree connections that can be made on the server via a single virtual circuit.
SessOpens REG_DWORD 1 to 2048 filesDefault: 2048 Specifies the maximum number of files that can be open on a single virtual circuit.
SessUsers REG_DWORD 1 to 64 usersDefault: 32 Specifies the maximum number of users that can be logged on to a server via a single virtual circuit.
SizReqBuf REG_DWORD 512 to 65536 bytesDefault: 4356 Specifies the size of request buffers that the server uses. Small buffers use less memory; large buffers may improve performance.
ThreadCountAdd REG_DWORD 0 to 10 threadsDefault: (depends on configuration) The server uses one worker thread per processor for the computer it is running on. This parameter indicates how many additional threads the server should use. More threads can improve performance but cost memory. Too many threads can hurt performance by causing excessive task switching.
ThreadPriority REG_DWORD 0, 1, 2, or 15Default: 1 Specifies the priority of all server threads in relation to the base priority of the process. Higher priority can give better server performance at the cost of local responsiveness. Lower priority balances server needs with the needs of other processes on the system. Values 0 to 2 are relative to normal or background processes. The default value of 1 is equivalent to the foreground process. A value of 15 runs the server threads at real-time priority-which is not recommended.
Users REG_DWORD 1 to infiniteDefault: 0xFFFFFFFF (infinite) Specifies the maximum number of users that can be simultaneously logged on to the server.
XactMemSize REG_DWORD 64 KB to 16 MB0Default: 1 MB Specifies the maximum amount of virtual memory used by the Xactsrv service. A larger value for this parameter helps ensure that memory is available for downlevel clients but costs virtual address space and potentially costs pageable memory. Reference: "The Windows NT Resource Kit for Operating System Version 3.1".
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