RAS Event ID (Error Code) Information

Last reviewed: February 17, 1998
Article ID: Q117304

The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Windows NT operating system version 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server version 3.1
  • Microsoft Windows NT Workstation versions 3.5, 3.51, and 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows NT Server versions 3.5, 3.51, and 4.0
  • Microsoft Windows 95


This article explains Remote Access Service (RAS) Event IDs as they appear in the Event Viewer System Log of Windows versions 3.1 and 3.5. The following list contains the error code (RAS EVENT ID), the symbol name, the message text, a brief explanation of the code, and a suggested course of action to correct the problem causing the error code.

NOTE: RAS Event IDs begin with RAS_LOG_BASE = 20000. However, RAS Event ID codes specific to Windows NT version 3.5 begin with RAS_LOG_BASE = 20064.


RAS EVENT ID: 20001 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_LOAD_NBGATEWAY MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot load the NetBIOS gateway DLL components. EXPLANATION : The RAS NetBIOS gateway could not load. USER ACTION : Reconfigure RAS by removing and then reinstalling it.

RAS EVENT ID: 20002 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_OPEN_REGKEY MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot open the RAS Server parameters registry key. EXPLANATION : Registry problem. USER ACTION : Reconfigure RAS by removing and then reinstalling it.

RAS EVENT ID: 20003 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_GET_REGKEYVALUES MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot access registry key values. EXPLANATION : Registry problem. USER ACTION : Reconfigure RAS by removing and then reinstalling it.

RAS EVENT ID: 20004 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY MESSAGE TEXT: Memory allocation failure. EXPLANATION : Not enough free memory for the RAS service to function

USER ACTION : Free up some memory on the server by optimizing memory
              allocations to other resources, or by stopping some
              non-essential services, or by installing additional memory on
              the server.

RAS EVENT ID: 20005 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_ENUM_REGKEY_VALUES MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot enumerate registry key values. EXPLANATION : Possible registry problem. USER ACTION : Reconfigure RAS by removing and then reinstalling it.

RAS EVENT ID: 20006 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_INVALID_PARAMETER_TYPE MESSAGE TEXT: Parameter %1 has an invalid type. EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Reconfigure RAS by removing and then reinstalling it.

RAS EVENT ID: 20007 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_ENUM_PORTS MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot enumerate the RAS Connection Manager ports EXPLANATION : Multiport adapter may not have been installed properly

              (Hardware and/or Software).
USER ACTION : Use Network Control to reconfigure the multiple port adapter.

RAS EVENT ID: 20008 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_NO_DIALIN_PORTS MESSAGE TEXT: The Remote Access Server is not configured to receive calls. EXPLANATION : The RAS server is configured for dialing out only or some

              other program is using the port.
USER ACTION : Use Network Control to reconfigure RAS for Dial out and
              Receive calls.

RAS EVENT ID: 20009 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_RECEIVE_FRAME MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot receive initial frame on port %1. The user has been
EXPLANATION : RAS may not be installed on client. USER ACTION : Reinstall RAS on the client.

RAS EVENT ID: 20010 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_AUTODISCONNECT MESSAGE TEXT: The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected due to

EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Redial and then reconnect to the port.

RAS EVENT ID: 20011 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_EXCEPT_MEMORY MESSAGE TEXT: The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because

              there is not enough memory available in the system.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Install more memory on the RAS server.

RAS EVENT ID: 20012 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_EXCEPT_SYSTEM MESSAGE TEXT: The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected due to a

              system error.
EXPLANATION : A system error caused the RAS user to be disconnected. USER ACTION : Look in the Event Viewer for other system error messages,
              correct the failure and redial.

RAS EVENT ID: 20013 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_EXCEPT_LAN_FAILURE MESSAGE TEXT: The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected due to a
              fatal network error on the local network.
EXPLANATION : Possible physical network error. USER ACTION : Verify that the network adapter is connected and working

RAS EVENT ID: 20014 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_EXCEPT_ASYNC_FAILURE MESSAGE TEXT: The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected due to a
              fatal network error on the async network.
EXPLANATION : Possible serial port problems. USER ACTION : Verify that the serial ports are working properly.

RAS EVENT ID: 20015 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_DEV_HW_ERROR MESSAGE TEXT: The communications device attached to port %1 is not

EXPLANATION : Hardware failure. USER ACTION : Verify that the modem is working properly. Check the

RAS EVENT ID: 20016 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_AUTH_FAILURE MESSAGE TEXT: The user %1 has connected and failed to authenticate on port
              %2. The line has been disconnected.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Check the permissions on the user in the RAS admin utility.
              Check user name and password.

RAS EVENT ID: 20017 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_AUTH_SUCCESS MESSAGE TEXT: The user %1 has connected and has been successfully
              authenticated on port %2.

RAS EVENT ID: 20018 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_AUTH_CONVERSTION_FAILURE MESSAGE TEXT: The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because

              there was a transports-level error during the authentication
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Redial and try again

RAS EVENT ID: 20019 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_USER_DISCONNECTED MESSAGE TEXT: The user has disconnected from port %2. EXPLANATION : The remote user has hung up. USER ACTION : NONE

RAS EVENT ID: 20020 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_RESET_LAN MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot reset the network adapter for LANA %1. The error code

              is the data.

RAS EVENT ID: 20021 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_GET_COMPUTERNAME MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Server Security Failure. Cannot locate the

              computer name.
EXPLANATION : The message appears when the remote computer name cannot be
              found, so the computer cannot be validated.
USER ACTION : Reconfigure RAS on the client.

RAS EVENT ID: 20022 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_ADD_RASSECURITYNAME MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Server Security Failure. Cannot add the name

              for communication with the security agent on LANA %1.
EXPLANATION : Possible duplicate name on LANA %1. USER ACTION : Verify that another server on LANA %1 does not have the same

RAS EVENT ID: 20023 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_GET_ADAPTERADDRESS MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Server Security Failure. Cannot access the
              network adapter address on LANA %1.

RAS EVENT ID: 20024 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_SESSOPEN_REJECTED MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Server Security Failure. The security agent

              has rejected the Remote Access server's call to establish a
              session on LANA %1.
EXPLANATION : A remote access security agent is running on your local
USER ACTION : Contact your system administrator.

RAS EVENT ID: 20025 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_START_SERVICE_REJECTED MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Server Security Failure. The security agent

              has rejected the Remote Access server's request to start the
              service on this computer on LANA %1.
EXPLANATION : A remote access security agent is running on your local
USER ACTION : Contact your system administrator.

RAS EVENT ID: 20026 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_SECURITY_NET_ERROR MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Server Security Failure. A network error has

              occurred when trying to establish a session with the security
              agent on LANA %1. The error code is the data.

RAS EVENT ID: 20027 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_EXCEPT_OSRESNOTAV MESSAGE TEXT: The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because

              there are no operating system resources available.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Free up some memory on the server by optimizing memory
              allocations to other resources, or by stopping some
              non-essential services, or by installing additional memory on
              the server.

RAS EVENT ID: 20028 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_EXCEPT_LOCKFAIL MESSAGE TEXT: The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because
              of a failure to lock user memory.

RAS EVENT ID: 20029 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANNOT_OPEN_RASHUB MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because

              RASHUB could not be opened.

RAS EVENT ID: 20030 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANNOT_INIT_SEC_ATTRIBUTE MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it

              could not initialize the security attributes.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Restart the computer, or reinstall RAS if problem persists.

RAS EVENT ID: 20031 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANNOT_GET_ENDPOINTS MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because no

              endpoints were available.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Restart the computer, or reinstall RAS if problem persists.

RAS EVENT ID: 20032 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANNOT_GET_MEDIA_INFO MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it

              could not load one or more communication DLL's.
EXPLANATION : Possible hardware problem. USER ACTION : Ensure that your communications H/W is installed properly
              and restart the computer. If problem persists, reinstall RAS.

RAS EVENT ID: 20033 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANNOT_GET_PORT_INFO MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it
              could not locate port information from Media DLL's.
EXPLANATION : Possible hardware problem. USER ACTION : Ensure that your communications H/W is installed properly
              and restart the computer. If problem persists, reinstall RAS.

RAS EVENT ID: 20034 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANNOT_GET_PROTOCOL_INFO MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it
              could not access protocol information from the registry.
EXPLANATION : Possible registry problem. USER ACTION : Restart the computer. If problem persists, reinstall RAS.

RAS EVENT ID: 20035 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANNOT_REGISTER_LSA MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it

              could not register with the Local Security Authority.
EXPLANATION : Possible Registry problem. USER ACTION : Restart the computer. If problem persists, reinstall RAS.

RAS EVENT ID: 20036 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANNOT_CREATE_FILEMAPPING MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it

              could not create shared file mapping.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Restart the computer. If problem persists, reinstall RAS.

RAS EVENT ID: 20037 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANNOT_INIT_BUFFERS MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it

              could not create buffers.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Restart the computer. If problem persists, reinstall RAS.

RAS EVENT ID: 20038 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANNOT_INIT_REQTHREAD MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it

              could not access resources.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Restart the computer. If problem persists, reinstall RAS.

RAS EVENT ID: 20039 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANNOT_START_WORKERS MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because it

              could not start worker threads.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Restart the computer. If problem persists, reinstall RAS.

RAS EVENT ID: 20040 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_GET_LANNETS MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Server failure. Cannot find the LANA numbers

              for the network adapters.
EXPLANATION : RAS was not installed properly. USER ACTION : Remove and reinstall RAS.

RAS EVENT ID: 20041 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANNOT_OPEN_SERIAL_INI MESSAGE TEXT: RASSER.DLL cannot open the SERIAL.INI file. EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Check configuration of RAS with the Control Panel Network

RAS EVENT ID: 20042 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANNOT_GET_ASYNCMAC_HANDLE MESSAGE TEXT: An attempt by Rasser.dll to get a async media access control
              handle failed.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Check configuration of RAS with the Control Panel Network
              tool. Reinstall RAS if needed.


RAS EVENT ID: 20044 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANNOT_ALLOCATE_ROUTE MESSAGE TEXT: The Remote Access Server cannot allocate a route for the

              user connected on port %1. The user has been disconnected.
              Check the configuration of your Remote Access Service.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Check configuration of RAS with the Control Panel Network
              tool. Reinstall RAS if needed.

RAS EVENT ID: 20045 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_ADMIN_MEMORY_FAILURE MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot allocate memory in the admin support thread for the
              Remote Access Service.
EXPLANATION : Since the memory cannot be allocated, RAS cannot be used. USER ACTION : Check configuration of RAS with the Control Panel Network
              tool. Reinstall RAS if needed.

RAS EVENT ID: 20046 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_ADMIN_THREAD_CREATION_FAILURE MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot create an instance thread in the admin support thread
              for Remote Access Service.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Restart the computer. If problem persists, reinstall RAS.

RAS EVENT ID: 20047 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_ADMIN_PIPE_CREATION_FAILURE MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot create a named pipe instance in the admin support

              thread for Remote Access Service.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Restart the computer. If problem persists, reinstall RAS

RAS EVENT ID: 20048 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_ADMIN_PIPE_FAILURE MESSAGE TEXT: General named pipe failure occurred in the admin support

              thread for Remote Access Service.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Restart the computer. If problem persists, reinstall RAS.

RAS EVENT ID: 20049 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_ADMIN_INVALID_REQUEST MESSAGE TEXT: An invalid request was sent to the admin support thread for

              Remote Access Service, possibly from a down level admin
              tool. The request was not processed.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Restart the computer. If problem persists, reinstall RAS

RAS EVENT ID: 20050 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_USER_ACTIVE_TIME MESSAGE TEXT: The user %1<machine\username> connected on COM port %2

              <port> on %3<date\time> disconnected on %4 <date\time>.
              The user was active %5 minutes. %6 bytes were %7
              <sent|received>.  Disconnected at %8<USER|ADMIN> request.
EXPLANATION : Either the RAS server initiated the disconnect "ADMIN" or
              the dialin client "USER" initiated the disconnect request.
USER ACTION : If ADMIN initiated the disconnect check the registry
              Entry: ...\RemoteAccess\Parameters\AutoDisconnect.

RAS EVENT ID: 20051 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_REGVALUE_OVERIDDEN MESSAGE TEXT: Using the default value for registry parameter %1 because
              the value given is not in the legal range for the parameter.
EXPLANATION : Illegal entry in the registry for the parameter given. USER ACTION : Check the registry entries.

RAS EVENT ID: 20052 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_AUTH_TIMEOUT MESSAGE TEXT: The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected due an

              authentication time-out.
EXPLANATION : The caller has taken too long to authenticate. USER ACTION : Try to connect to port again. If problem persisted, increase
              the authentication time.

RAS EVENT ID: 20053 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_AUTH_NO_PROJECTIONS MESSAGE TEXT: The user %1 connected to port %2 has been disconnected
              because the computer could not be projected onto the
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Disconnect and the reconnect to the network. Make sure that
              the remote computer has a UNIQUE computer name.

RAS EVENT ID: 20054 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_AUTH_INTERNAL_ERROR MESSAGE TEXT: The user %1 connected to port %2 has been disconnected
              because and internal authentication error occurred.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Try to connect to port again. Restart and reinstall RAS.

RAS EVENT ID: 20055 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_NO_LANNETS_AVAILABLE MESSAGE TEXT: The Remote Access server could not be started because it has

              been configured to access the network and there are no
              network adapters available.
EXPLANATION : The configuration of RAS does not match the configuration of
              the computer.
USER ACTION : Reconfigure RAS to access the local computer only, or put a
              network adapter on the computer.

RAS EVENT ID: 20056 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_NETBIOS_SESSION_ESTABLISHED MESSAGE TEXT: The user %1 established a NetBIOS session between the remote
              workstation and the network server.

RAS EVENT ID: 20057 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_RASMAN_NOT_AVAILABLE MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Service failed to start because the Remote

              Access Connection Manager failed to initialize.
EXPLANATION : RAS Connection Manager is configured incorrectly. USER ACTION : Check the Event viewer for related errors to determine the
              configuration problem.

RAS EVENT ID: 20058 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_ADD_NAME MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot add the remote computer name %1 on LANA %2. the
              error code is the data.
EXPLANATION : Another computer on the network has the same name as the
              remote computer.
USER ACTION : Remove the other computer from the network, or rename the
              remote computer.

RAS EVENT ID: 20059 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_DELETE_NAME MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot delete the remote computer name %1 from LANA %2. The
              error code is the data.
EXPLANATION : An internal error has occurred. USER ACTION : Get the data from the Event Viewer and contact technical

RAS EVENT ID: 20060 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_ADD_GROUPNAME MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot add remote computer group name %1 on LANA %2. The
              error code is the data.
EXPLANATION : A computer has the same name as the remote computer group
USER ACTION : Remove the computer with the duplicate name from the

RAS EVENT ID: 20061 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_DELETE_GROUPNAME MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot delete the remote computer group name %1 from LANA
              %2. The error code is the data.
EXPLANATION : An internal error has occurred. USER ACTION : Get the data from the Event Viewer and contact technical

RAS EVENT ID: 20062 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_UNSUPPORTED_BPS MESSAGE TEXT: The modem on %1 moved to an unsupported BPS rate. EXPLANATION : The COM port does not support the speed that the modem tried
              to use.
USER ACTION : Try a different COM port, or change the BPS rate to a
              supported value.

RAS EVENT ID: 20063 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_SERIAL_QUEUE_SIZE_SMALL MESSAGE TEXT: The serial driver could not allocate adequate I/O queues.
              the may result in a unreliable connection.
EXPLANATION : If you are using a muliport adapter card, it may be
              configured to use too many ports. Or you are out of memory.
USER ACTION : Reduce the number of ports being used on the multiport
              adapter. Add more memory.

RAS EVENT ID: 20064 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANNOT_REOPEN_BIPLEX_PORT MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access connection Manager could not re-open bi-plex
              port %1. The port will not be available to calling in or
              calling out. Restart all Remote Access Service components.
EXPLANATION : Possible hardware of configuration problem. USER ACTION : Stop and restart all RAS services and components. If
              problems still persists, reinstall RAS

RAS EVENT ID: 20065 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_DISCONNECT_ERROR MESSAGE TEXT: Internal Error: Disconnect operation on %1 completed with an
EXPLANATION : Disconnected from remote user with an error. USER ACTION : Have the remote user call in again and retry operation.
              Restart the computer if needed.

RAS EVENT ID: 20066 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_PPP_PIPE_FAILURE MESSAGE TEXT: General named pipe failure occurred in the Point to Point
              Protocol engine.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Restart the computer. Reinstall RAS with PPP if needed

RAS EVENT ID: 20067 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANNOT_INIT_PPP MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Connection Manager failed to start because the

              Point to Point Protocol failed to initialize.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Restart the computer. Reinstall RAS with PPP if needed

RAS EVENT ID: 20068 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CLIENT_CALLED_BACK MESSAGE TEXT: The user %1 on port %2 was called back at the number %3. EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : None

RAS EVENT ID: 20069 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_PROXY_CANT_CREATE_PROCESS MESSAGE TEXT: The Remote Access Gateway Proxy could not create a process. EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Check RAS Gateway installation.

RAS EVENT ID: 20070 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_PROXY_CANT_CREATE_PIPE MESSAGE TEXT: The Remote Access Gateway Proxy could not create a process. EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Check RAS Gateway installation.

RAS EVENT ID: 20071 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_PROXY_CANT_CONNECT_PIPE MESSAGE TEXT: The Remote Access Gateway Proxy could not establish a named

              pipe connection with the Remote Access Supervisor Proxy.

RAS EVENT ID: 20072 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_PROXY_PIPE_FAILURE MESSAGE TEXT: A general error occurred on the named pipe in the remote

              Access %1 Proxy.

RAS EVENT ID: 20073 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_OPEN_PPP_REGKEY MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot open obtain information about the PPP key or one its

EXPLANATION : Possible registry problem. USER ACTION : Check the registry for PPP entries

RAS EVENT ID: 20074 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_PPP_CANT_LOAD_DLL MESSAGE TEXT: Point to Point Protocol engine was unable to load the %1


RAS EVENT ID: 20075 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_PPPCP_DLL_ERROR MESSAGE TEXT: The Point to Point Protocol module %1 return an error while


RAS EVENT ID: 20076 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_NO_AUTHENTICATION_CPS MESSAGE TEXT: The Point to Point protocol failed to load the required PAP

              and/or CHAP authentication modules.

RAS EVENT ID: 20077 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_PPP_FAILURE MESSAGE TEXT: An error occurred in the Point to Point protocol module. The

              error code is the data.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Save the data from the event log and call Tech Support.

RAS EVENT ID: 20078 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_IPXCP_NETWORK_NUMBER_CONFLICT MESSAGE TEXT: The IPX network number %1 configured for the WAN interface

              is already in use on the LAN.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : Reconfigure the IPX network number in question.

RAS EVENT ID: 20079 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_IPXCP_CANNOT_CHANGE_WAN_NETWORK_NUMBER MESSAGE TEXT: The IPX network number %1 requested by the remote client for

              the WAN interface cannot be used on the local IPX router
              because the router is not configured to change its local WAN
              network numbers. You should configure the IPX Remote Access
              Service to allocate addresses automatically and use
              different address for remote IPX clients.
EXPLANATION : USER ACTION : You should configure the IPX Remote Access Service to
              allocate addresses automatically and use different address
              for remote IPX clients.

RAS EVENT ID: 20080 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_PASSWORD_EXPIRED MESSAGE TEXT: The password for user %1\%2 connected on port %3 has
              expired. The line has been disconnected.
EXPLANATION : The user password has expired. USER ACTION : Change password. Contact administrator if you are unable to
              change the password without logging on first.

RAS EVENT ID: 20081 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_ACCT_EXPIRED MESSAGE TEXT: The account for user %1\%2 connected on port %3 has expired.
              The line has been disconnected.
EXPLANATION : The user account has expired. USER ACTION : Contact the administrator.

RAS EVENT ID: 20082 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_NO_DIALIN_PRIVILEGE MESSAGE TEXT: The account for user %1\%2 connected on port %3 does not

              have Remote Access privilege. The line has been disconnected.
EXPLANATION : The user account does not have Remote Access privileges. USER ACTION : Contact the administrator.

RAS EVENT ID: 20083 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION MESSAGE TEXT: The software version of the user %1\%2 connected on port %3

              is unsupported. The line has been disconnected.

RAS EVENT ID: 20084 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED MESSAGE TEXT: The server machine is configured to require data encryption.

              The machine for user %1\%2 connected on port %3 does not
              support encryption. The line has been disconnected.
EXPLANATION : The RAS Server (Windows NT 3.5 or later)is configured to use
              Data Encryption.
USER ACTION : Enable Data encryption via the RAS Phonebook Security entry.

RAS EVENT ID: 20085 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_NO_SECURITY_CHECK MESSAGE TEXT: Remote Access Server Security Failure. Could not reset lana

              %1 (the error code is the data). Security check not

RAS EVENT ID: 20086 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_GATEWAY_NOT_ACTIVE_ON_NET MESSAGE TEXT: The Remote Access Server could not reset lana %1 (the error

              code is the data) and will not be active on it.

RAS EVENT ID: 20087 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_IPXCP_NO_NET_NUMBER MESSAGE TEXT: The IPX network number for the LAN adapter with the

              MAC address %1 on the local machine has not been configured
              or could not be auto-detected. The IPX Router will not work
              on this LAN segment.
EXPLANATION : RAS Server is unable to route NWLink traffic from the RAS
USER ACTION : Contact the administrator.

For additional information, see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base

   ARTICLE-ID: Q133032
   TITLE     : Event ID 20087 Appears When You Dial a RAS Server

RAS EVENT ID: 20088 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_SRV_ADDR_LEASE_LOST MESSAGE TEXT: The Remote Access Server was unable to renew the lease for
              IP Address %1 from the DHCP Server. ALL connected users using
              IP will be unable to access network resources. Users can re-
              connect to the server to restore IP connectivity.
EXPLANATION : The RAS server is unable to communicate through TCP/IP. USER ACTION : Contact the administrator. Possible DHCP Server Problem.

RAS EVENT ID: 20089 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CLIENT_ADDR_LEASE_LOST MESSAGE TEXT: The Remote Access Server was unable to renew the lease for

              IP Address %1 from the DHCP Server. The user assigned with
              this IP address will be unable to access network resources
              using IP. Reconnecting to the server will restore IP
EXPLANATION : The RAS client is unable to communicate to the remote
              Network through TCP/IP.
USER ACTION : Contact the administrator. Possible DHCP Server Problem.

RAS EVENT ID: 20090 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_ADDRESS_NOT_AVAILABLE MESSAGE TEXT: The Remote Access Server was unable to acquire an IP Address

              from the DHCP Server to assign to the incoming user.
EXPLANATION : The RAS client will be unable to communicate to the remote
              network through TCP/IP.
USER ACTION : Contact the administrator. Possible DHCP Server Problem.

RAS EVENT ID: 20091 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_SRV_ADDR_NOT_AVAILABLE MESSAGE TEXT: The Remote Access Server was unable to acquire an IP Address

              from the DHCP Server to be used on the Server Adapter.
              Incoming user will be unable to connect using IP.
EXPLANATION : The RAS client will be unable to communicate to the remote
              network through TCP/IP.
USER ACTION : Contact the administrator. Possible DHCP Server Problem.

RAS EVENT ID: 20092 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_SRV_ADDR_ACQUIRED MESSAGE TEXT: The Remote Access Server acquired IP Address %1 from the

              DHCP Server to be used on the Server Adapter.
EXPLANATION : The RAS Server has an IP address for its NDISWan connection. USER ACTION : None.

RAS EVENT ID: 20093 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CALLBACK_FAILURE MESSAGE TEXT: The Remote Access Server's attempt to callback user %1\%2 on

              port %3 failed with RAS error code %4.
EXPLANATION : The RAS Server was unable to complete a callback USER ACTION : Contact Administrator.

RAS EVENT ID: 20094 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_PROXY_WRITE_PIPE_FAILURE MESSAGE TEXT: A general error occurred writing to the named pipe in the

              Remote Access Proxy.

RAS EVENT ID: 20095 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_OPEN_SECMODULE_KEY MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot open the RAS security host Registry key. EXPLANATION : Registry problem. USER ACTION : Reconfigure RAS by removing and then reinstalling it.

RAS EVENT ID: 20096 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_LOAD_SECDLL MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot load the Security host module component. EXPLANATION : Registry Problem. USER ACTION : Reconfigure RAS by removing and then reinstalling it.

RAS EVENT ID: 20097 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_SEC_AUTH_FAILURE MESSAGE TEXT: The user %1 has connected and failed to authenticate with a

              third party security on port %2. The line has been
EXPLANATION : The security host connected to the RAS server failed to
              authenticate the user.
USER ACTION : Contact the administrator.

RAS EVENT ID: 20098 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_SEC_AUTH_INTERNAL_ERROR MESSAGE TEXT: The user connected to port %1 has been disconnected because

              an internal authentication error occurred in the third party
              security module. The error code is in the data.
EXPLANATION : The security host connected to the RAS server failed to
              authenticate the user.
USER ACTION : Contact the administrator.

RAS EVENT ID: 20099 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_CANT_RECEIVE_BYTES MESSAGE TEXT: Cannot receive initial data on port %1. The user has been

EXPLANATION : Possible bad phone lines or bad modem. USER ACTION :

RAS EVENT ID: 20100 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_AUTH_DIFFUSER_FAILURE MESSAGE TEXT: The user was authenticated as %1 by the third party security

              host module but was authenticated as %2 by the RAS security.
              The user has been disconnected.
EXPLANATION : The security host connected to the RAS server authenticated
              a different user than was passed to the RAS server.
USER ACTION : Use the same user name for the security host as the RAS

RAS EVENT ID: 20101 SYMBOL NAME : RASLOG_LICENSE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED MESSAGE TEXT: A user was unable to connect on port %1. No more connections
              can be made to this remote computer because the computer has
              exceeded its client license limit.
EXPLANATION : The RAS server ran out of per server licenses. USER ACTION : Contact the administrator. Buy more per server licenses, or
              see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

   ARTICLE-ID: Q135680
   TITLE     : RAS Err Msg: Unable to Connect. No More Connections can

 Additional query words: ppplog
Keywords          : NTRAS NTSrvWkst kbnetwork
Version           : WinNT:3.1,3.5,3.51,4.0;Win95
Platform          : winnt
Issue type        : kbinfo



Last reviewed: February 17, 1998
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