The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0
- Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0
When you use Sydiff.exe in your deployment of Windows NT Server and Windows
NT Workstation, you may notice that it does not propagate the changes to
the Boot.ini file, even though it does note the modifications to the file
between the /snap command and the /diff command.
This happens because the Boot.ini file has the file properties hidden,
system, and read-only.
To allow Sysdiff to modify the Boot.ini file, you will need to change the
properties of the Boot.ini file. Use Attrib.exe to change the properties;
Attrib.exe can be found in your %Systemroot%\System32 subdirectory. To use
Attrib.exe to change the properties of the Boot.ini file:
- Below your /i386 share of the source files, create a $OEM$ subdirectory,
if it does not already exist.
- Place a copy of Attrib.exe in the $oem$ subdirectory.
- Perform step a or step b below, depending on whether you are using
Sysdiff in the /inf mode or not.
a. If you are using Sysdiff in the /inf mode, the $oem$ directory
structure and the Cmdlines.txt file will already exist. Your
Cmdlines.txt file should look like the following:
".\attrib c:\boot.ini -s -r -h"
".\Rundll32 setupapi,InstalllHinfSection DefaultInstall 128
".\attrib c:\boot.ini +r +s +h"
NOTE: Make sure the attrib line appears first because commands are
executed in order; the file will then have the correct properties
applied when the package runs.
b. If you are not using Sysdiff in the /inf mode, you will have to
create the Cmdlines.txt file using any text editor. The file should
be similar to the following example:
".\Attrib c:\boot.ini -s -r -h"
".\sysdiff /apply /m .\%diff_file%"
This step will clear the hidden, system, and read-only attributes from
the file and allow sysdiff /apply to propagate the changes to the file.
- Check your answer file and in the [Unattended] section, and make sure
the following entry is set:
OemPreinstall = Yes