FastTips: File and Macro Conversions Questions and AnswersLast reviewed: October 10, 1997Article ID: Q103965 |
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This article contains the text of "File and Macro Conversions Questions and Answers," which is available on the Microsoft FastTips service for Word for Windows. It answers the most commonly asked questions regarding conversions involving Word for Windows. 1. Q. Why can't I open my Word 2.0 document in PageMaker? What should I try? A. Aldus now has Word 2.0 converters as part of their PageMaker 4.0 Windows Filter Driver Pack. To obtain the Filter Driver Pack, call Aldus Sales and Service at (206) 628-2030. As a temporary workaround while you wait for the Filter Driver Pack, save your Word documents in Word for MS-DOS or WordPerfect file format, both of which are formats that PageMaker can read. 2. Q. I want to use my Word version 1.0 or 1.1 macros in Word version 2.0. What do I need to do? A. Word 2.0 has an built-in macro converter, so it automatically converts any macros when you open a Word 1.0 or 1.1 template or attach it to a document. This means you can immediately run your Word 1.x macros in Word 2.0. If you want to save the converted macros, you must save the template. If you don't save the template, Word converts the macros again the next time you open the template. The macro converter may leave some lines in your macros unconverted or it may convert them incorrectly. This happens when your macro contains unusual syntax or processes. Word marks unconverted lines in your macro text as comments. You must rewrite or rerecord these portions of your macros. For more information on converting your Word version 1.x macros, see the MACROCNV.DOC file, located in your Word program directory. 3. Q. Where can I find out what features convert to and from Word version 2.0 file format? A. Word version 2.0 comes with a document named CONVINFO.DOC, which is located in your Word program directory. This document describes what conversion options and limitations you will encounter when you convert documents to and from other file formats in Word. 4. Q. I thought Word version 2.0 came with more file converters. Where are they? A. Word comes with some file converters, but the remaining converters are on the Supplemental Converters disk, which you can obtain from Microsoft at no cost. This disk contains the following file converters: DisplayWrite, Microsoft Multiplan, MultiMate, WordStar, WordPerfect 4.1 and 4.2, Microsoft Works for MS-DOS, Microsoft Works for Windows, and a DXF graphic filter. To obtain the Supplemental Converters Disk, send in your Supplemental Offers Coupon, which we included with your Word package, or phone Microsoft Sales Information Center at (800) 426- 9400. If you are outside the United States, contact the Microsoft subsidiary for your area. To locate your subsidiary, call Microsoft International Customer Service at (425) 936-8661. 5. Q. Can Word version 2.0 read my Excel Spreadsheets? A. Yes. Word versions 2.0b and 2.0c can open Excel versions 2.1x, 3.0, and 4.0 spreadsheets. Word versions 2.0 and 2.0a do not include the converter for Excel 4.0 spreadsheets. To open your Excel 4.0 spreadsheets in Word version 2.0 and 2.0a, save them in Excel 3.0 or CSV (comma-separated values) format. To obtain the latest version of Word for Windows, call Microsoft Sales Information Center at (800) 426-9400. If you are outside the United States, contact the Microsoft subsidiary for your area. To locate your subsidiary, call Microsoft International Customer Service at (425) 936-8661. 6. Q. I have several files to convert to Word version 2.0 for Windows. Do I have to convert each one individually? Can't I do them all at once? A. You can use the BatchConversion macro, supplied with Word version 2.0, to convert multiple files to Word file format. The BatchConversion macro is part of NEWMACRO.DOC, a file on your Word program directory. To use the BatchConversion macro, do the following: 1. Open the NEWMACRO.DOC file. 2. Select BatchConversion in the Macro Name box. 3. Choose the Demo button if you want to run the macro without installing it on your hard disk. -or- Choose the Install button if you want to install the macro on your hard disk. |
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