WD: Change in Document File Size Is More or Less Than ExpectedLast reviewed: February 5, 1998Article ID: Q111277 |
The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSSometimes the file size of your Word document changes substantially (increases or decreases), even if you make only minor revisions to the document. Moreover, the file size sometimes remains constant, even though you made changes in the document.
CAUSEThe file size of your Word document may increase unexpectedly if the Allow Fast Saves option is turned on. A fast save appends the changes to the end of your document, which increases the size of the document. By contrast, when you turn off the Allow Fast Saves option and save the document, Word performs a full save, which incorporates all your revisions (instead of appending them). If you perform a full save after a file was fast saved, Word reduces the size of the file. Even with the Allow Fast Saves option turned on, Word periodically performs a full save of your document. As a result, the file size of your document may change substantially between save operations. NOTE: If you open a document from a previous version of Word, Word may temporarily allocate more disk space for the document than is actually necessary. MORE INFORMATION To disable the Fast Save feature, use the procedure appropriate for you version of Word.
Word version 6.x (Windows and Macintosh), 7.x (Windows), 97 (Windows)
Word 5.x (Macintosh)
Word 4.0 (Macintosh)
REFERENCES"Microsoft Word User's Guide," version 6.0, pages 483-485 "Microsoft Word User's Guide," version 5.0, page 72 "Microsoft Word User's Reference," version 4.0, page 312 "Microsoft Word User's Reference," version 3.0 page 311
Additional query words: fastsave increase large grows
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