Number FORM Field Error Message: "A Valid Number Is Required"Last reviewed: February 5, 1998Article ID: Q113140 |
6.00 6.00a 6.00c
The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSThe following error message may occur in Word for Windows when you enter a number in a protected Number FORM field:
A valid number is required. CAUSEIf the International settings in Windows Control Panel are for a different country than the settings in effect when you inserted the FORM field, Word does not accept your entry in a Number FORM field. Number FORM fields recognize valid data from only one country at a time. This does not happen with other fields.
Steps to Reproduce the Problem
WORKAROUNDSMethod 1: In Windows Control Panel, choose the International icon. In the Country box, select the same setting you used when you created the FORM field.Method 2: If you want to use a different Country setting, delete and reinsert the Number FORM field in Word. STATUSMicrosoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Word versions 6.0 and 6.0a for Windows. This problem was corrected in Word version 7.0 for Windows 95.
REFERENCES"Microsoft Word User's Guide," version 6.0, pages 309-314
KBCategory: kbusage
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