WD: Troubleshooting Guide: File Locking in Master DocumentsLast reviewed: November 17, 1997Article ID: Q114432 |
The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSThis article contains guidelines you can use to troubleshoot the following file locking behaviors that may occur when you open a master document or its subdocuments in Word:
Word 7.xAuthor Field: To locate the Author field, click Properties on the File menu, and click the Summary tab. Name Field: To locate the Name field, click Options on the Tools menu, and click the User Info tab.
Word 6.xAuthor Field To locate the Author field, click Summary Info on the File menu. Name Field: To locate the Name field, click Options on the Tools menu, and click the User Info tab.
CauseWord unlocks those subdocuments in which the Author field matches the Name field. Word locks those subdocuments in which the Author and Name fields do not match. These fields are case sensitive.
WorkaroundIf you are not the author of the subdocument, you must first unlock the subdocument before you can edit it. To unlock a subdocument, position the insertion point in the subdocument and click the Lock Document button on the Master Document toolbar. If you want all the subdocuments to be unlocked when you open the master document, do one or both of the following:
CauseThis problem may occur for either of the following reasons:
WorkaroundIf the file is being used over a network by another user, the other user must close the master document before you can open it as read-write. If you are not the author of the master document, use either of the following workarounds. Method 1: Temporarily Unlock the Master Document:
Position the insertion point in the master document and click the Lock Document button on the Master Document toolbar. This will enable you to make changes to the master document and then to save the master document. Keep in mind that the subdocuments may still be locked. See "Scenario 1" in the "Symptoms" section of this article for information about subdocuments being locked. The next time you open the master document, it will be Read-Only again.Method 2: Permanently Unlock the Master Document:
To prevent the master document from being opened as read-only, in the master document, change the Name field so it matches the Author field. When you close and then reopen the master document, Word opens it as read-write. SCENARIO 3: "DIFFERENT TYPE OF PROTECTION..." ERROR MESSAGEIn this scenario, you receive the following error message:
The operation cannot be completed because the subdocument has a different type of protection from the master document. Make the protection the same for the master document and the subdocuments. CauseYou tried to unlock a subdocument whose document protection type or revision marking status is different from that of the master document. This error occurs if any of the following documentation protection or revision marking combinations exist:
WorkaroundChange or remove document protection in the master document and open the subdocument by itself and change or remove document protection so the protection type matches that of the master document.
SCENARIO 4: "UNLOCKED DOCUMENT ALREADY EXISTS..." ERROR MESSAGEIn this scenario, you receive the following error message:
An unlocked subdocument already exists in another master document. CauseYou inserted a subdocument twice in the same master document. -or- The subdocument you want to unlock is already unlocked in another open master document.
WorkaroundA subdocument can be unlocked in only one master document at a time, so you must do one or both of the following before you can unlock your subdocument:
REFERENCES"Microsoft Word User's Guide," version 6.0, pages 539, 541, 543-544, 558, 561
Additional query words: troubleshooting tshooting guide security padlock
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