WD: Formatting/Drawing Layer Change Unmarked in Compare VersionsLast reviewed: February 5, 1998Article ID: Q121919 |
The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSCompare Documents (Compare Versions in Word 6.x and 7.x) does not recognize formatting changes as revisions to your document. For example, changing the font or paragraph characteristics, applying borders and shading, changing column formatting, and adding bullets, numbering, or heading numbering are not identified with revision marks when you run Compare Documents (or Compare Versions). In addition, Compare Documents (or Compare Versions) does not identify additions or deletions of drawing objects, nor does it recognize changes to text within a text box.
STATUSBy design, Compare Documents (or Compare Versions) recognizes text changes, such as additions or deletions of text to your document, but Compare Documents (or Compare Versions) does not mark formatting changes you make to your text. With regard to Compare Documents (or Compare Versions) not recognizing the addition, deletion, or alteration of drawing layer objects, Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the versions of Microsoft Word listed above. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
Additional query words: compare version versions comparing compared
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