WD: Selecting "(None)" Resets Filter ComparisonLast reviewed: February 3, 1998Article ID: Q122505 |
The information in this article applies to:
SYMPTOMSIn the Query Options dialog box, if you delete a query that precedes another query, the comparison criteria for all subsequent queries changes to match that of the query that was deleted.
STATUSWe are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
MORE INFORMATIONFor example, if your query options are set up as follows
Field: Comparison: Compare to: <field1> is Blank (empty) Or <field2> Equal to (text) Or <field3> is Not Blank (empty) Or <field4> Not Equal to (text) Or <field5> Less than (text)and you modify the <field1> entry by selecting (none) from the Field list, your query changes to this:
<field2> is Blank (text) Or <field3> is Blank (empty) Or <field4> is Blank (text) Or <field5> is Blank (text)Your query should change to this:
<field2> Equal to (text) Or <field3> is Not Blank (empty) Or <field4> Not Equal to (text) Or <field5> Less than (text)You can find these query options on the Filter Records tab. To locate this tab, follow these steps:
Additional query words: filter filtering queries same change changes
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