WD97: Frequently Asked Questions About the Grammar Checker

Last reviewed: March 13, 1998
Article ID: Q167655
The information in this article applies to:
  • Microsoft Word 97 for Windows

IMPORTANT: This article contains information about editing the registry. Before you edit the registry, you should first make a backup copy of the registry files (System.dat and User.dat). Both are hidden files in the Windows folder.


This article answers the most frequently asked questions about the grammar checker that is included with Word 97.


 1. Q. What does it mean that Word 97 has a "natural language" grammar

    A. The grammar checker in Word 97 can do a more comprehensive and
       accurate analysis (also known as "parsing") of the submitted text,
       instead of simply using a series of heuristics (or pattern matching)
       to flag errors. The Word 97 grammar checker does text analysis at a
       syntactical level and at a deeper, logical, level to understand the
       relationship between the actions and the people, or things, doing
       those actions. For example, the Word grammar checker analyzes the
       following complex sentence

          The legend says that that Kingdom was created by three ancient
          magicians, whose magical powers governed the world and made them
          immortal and all-powerful.

       and rewrites it from the passive to the active voice for clarity,
       while setting off the relative clause between commas:

         The legend says that three ancient magicians, whose magical powers
         governed the world and made them immortal and all-powerful,
         created that Kingdom.

 2. Q. Who developed the Word 97 grammar checker?

    A. The grammar checker is fully developed and owned by Microsoft.

 3. Q. What are the key differences between Word 97 grammar checker and
       other grammar checkers?

    A. One of the cornerstone differences between the grammar checker in
       Word 97 and other grammar checkers stems from the fact that the
       grammar checker in Word 97 uses advanced parsing techniques to
       understand the sentence structure while the other grammar checkers
       rely mainly on "pattern matching." By pattern matching, we mean that
       the program uses a technique that matches the checked text against
       patterns of text stored in an internal database. Following are some
       sentences that highlight the superiority of the natural language
       grammar checker in Word:

        - He never learned to swim, or did he want to.

          The Word grammar checker corrects "or" with the appropriate
          conjunction "nor."

        - She encourages Stephen more than Elisabeth.

         The Word grammar checker corrects the sentences by proposing two
         possible new sentences to make the original meaning less

        - They wanted for us to move to Alaska.

          Word grammar checker corrects the sentence by removing the
          preposition "for."

 4. Q. What are the files names of the grammar checker files and where
       are they installed?

    A. Word (or Office) Setup installs the grammar checker by default. The
       English grammar checker is comprised of two files

          Msgren32.dll, and Msgr_en.lex,

       both of which are installed in the "\Program Files\Common
       Files\Microsoft Shared\Proof" folder.

 5. Q. How much memory do I need to have on my computer in order to run
       the grammar checker automatically?

    A. Word will enable the grammar checker automatically if your computer
       has sufficient available memory. The method of grammar checking that
       is enabled when you set up and first start Word depends on
       the amount of available memory on your computer.

       Manually Check Grammar (8 MB or More):

       To run the grammar checker when you click Spelling And Grammar on
       the Tools menu, your computer must have more than 8 megabytes (MB)
       physical RAM.
       If you have less than 8 MB, the grammar checker is turned off by
       default when you first start Word.

       Automatically Check Grammar (12 MB or More):

       To run the grammar checker constantly (to display grammatical errors
       with wavy underlines), your computer must have at least 12 MB of
       physical RAM. If your computer has less than 12 MB of RAM, the Hide
       Grammatical Errors check box is selected when you first start Word.
       To turn on the automatic grammar checking, click this check box
       to clear it (on the Tools menu, click Spelling and Grammar, and
       click the Options button).

       Note also that for all Western languages other than English, the
       automatic grammar checker is turned off by default. (The English
       grammar checker is shipped with all versions of Word.)

 6. Q. What are the registry entries for the grammar checker?

       IMPORTANT: This article contains information about editing the
       registry. Before you edit the registry, make sure you understand how
       to restore it if a problem occurs. For information about how to do
       this, view the "Restoring the Registry" Help topic in Regedit.exe or
       the "Restoring a Registry Key" Help topic in Regedt32.exe.

       WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious
       problems that may require you to reinstall Windows 95. Microsoft
       cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of
       Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

       For information about how to edit the registry, view the "Changing
       Keys And Values" Help topic in Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) or the
       "Add and Delete Information in the Registry" and "Edit Registry
       Data" Help topics in Regedt32.exe. Note that you should back up the
       registry before you edit it. If you are running Windows NT, you
       should also update your Emergency Repair Disk (ERD).

    A. For Windows 95

       Grammar User Settings Per User:

          HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing

       Below this key, the grammar checker registers the grammar checker
       version number (1.0 in the case of English), the language IDs, the
       key Writing style (0 through 4) with the setting being the writing
       style names for the name, and binary data for each rule/writing
       style for the data.

       Grammar Machine Settings:

          HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing

       Below this key are the language IDs (1033, 2057, 3081), the Normal
       style attributes, and the values Dictionary and Engine which contain
       respectively the fully qualified paths to the .lex and .dll files.

       Just as with the other proofing tools, if the grammar checker files
       are manually copied to their default locations, or to the Word
       folder, Word auto-registers the grammar checker the first time it is

 7. Q. Why does the grammar checker flag words that shouldn't be flagged,
       and why does it provide suggestions that are incorrect?

    A. In general, the grammar checker will incorrectly mark words or
       propose incorrect suggestions, when the parser (that is, the grammar
       checker component that analyzes the linguistic structure of a
       sentence) cannot determine the correct structure of the analyzed

       Although state-of-the-art in its category, the grammar checker
       (just like any other commercially-available grammar checker program)
       is not perfect. Therefore, when you use the grammar checker, you can
       expect some amount of "false" or "suspect" flagging and subsequent
       wrong suggestions.

 8. Q. Why can't the grammar checker spot mistakes in the phrase "We went
       two too stores, to . . ."?

    A. The grammar checker is designed to catch the kinds of errors that
       ordinary users make every day. You will always be able to make up
       sentences that will confuse the grammar checker.

 9. Q. When the grammar checker is running in the background (wavy
       underlines), why does it flag errors in a different order than when
       I click Spelling And Grammar on the Tools menu (run the grammar
       checker in the foreground)?

     A. With the background grammar checker, trying to achieve a logical
       left-to-right flow is not as critical as it is for the grammar
       checker that you run manually (click Spelling And Grammar on the
       Tools menu). Therefore, for the background grammar checker, the
       error marked first is always the one that returns a suggestion,
       regardless of its position in the sentence.

10. Q. Why is Ignore All not working as expected? For example, if I click
       Ignore All for this sentence labeled as fragment

          After serving lunch.

       in the same grammar checker session, the grammar checker stops on
       other sentences that are labeled as fragments, for example:

          Over my dead body.

       The grammar checker categorizes (internally) these two sentences as
       different types of fragments, and in the above examples, grammar
       checker is ignoring one of those types, but not the other. Thus the
       inconsistency of how Ignore All works.

11. Q. Why aren't mistakes flagged in left-to-right sequence? For example:

          But the army, however, went on with it's plan.

    A. In most cases, the Grammar checker tries to flag errors from left-
       to-right. However, In some cases this is not possible because the
       grammar checker wants you to correct the most logical mistake first
       (this mistake may not be the first mistake). In this case,
       punctuation or spacing mistakes are flagged before specific or
       confined grammar checker mistakes.

12. Q. Why are some passive sentences flagged and rewritten by grammar
       checker, while others are skipped?

       NOTE: This problem occurs with other rules in addition to the
       Passive-construction rule.

       For example, the following passive sentence is not flagged:

         The term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date
         and shall continue until terminated by Volcano Coffee in writing
         at any time, with or without cause.

    A. For certain types of sentences, when there is no clear syntactic
       subject, the grammar checker will not attempt to flag the sentence.

13. Q. When I right-click a grammar error (an error marked with a wavy
       underline), why doesn't the shortcut menu display the same options
       that are available in the Spelling And Grammar dialog box? For
       example, if an item is flagged, but if the grammar checker does not
       provide a suggestion, the only options available are to ignore the
       sentence (and possibly miss other errors in that sentence) or to
       click the Grammar command to invoke the Spelling And Grammar dialog

    A. For the background mode (wavy underlines), the grammar checker uses
       a simplified interface. If you want to view all the possible errors
       in a given sentence, you must click Grammar on the on the shortcut

14. Q. Why do some pairs of words that are commonly confused work in one
       direction only? For instance, in the grammar checker both flea and
       flee are flagged as commonly confused words, but with the pair your
       and you're, only the word "your" is flagged as a commonly confused

    A. The grammar checker handles some commonly confused word pairs in a
       unidirectional way to simplify the problem for the parser. The
       grammar checker is designed this way to reduce the number items that
       are flagged by the grammar checker but that are not true grammatical

15. Q. Why is it that when a sentence is flagged as being too long, that's
       the only advice given for the sentence?

    A. Long sentences are often difficult to read both for people and for
       the grammar checker. The grammar checker is not sophisticated enough
       to detect grammatical errors in long sentences. If you are in doubt
       about the grammatical accuracy of a long sentence, you should break
       it up into smaller sentences.

16. Q. Why does the grammar checker ignore text enclosed in quotation
       marks? For example, this text is ignored

          He said, "what on earth were you thinking of?"

       while in the following text, "what on earth" is flagged:

          He said, what on earth were you thinking of?

    A. The grammar checker assumes that text in a direct quotation should
       not be critiqued.

17. Q. Why does the grammar checker ignore text in subdocuments such as,
       headers, footers, and annotations?

    A. By design, the grammar checker does not analyze text in headers,
       footers, or annotations. Headers and footers typically do not
       contain complete sentences. Similarly, annotations may be written in
       sentence fragments, and are not suitable for grammar checking.

18. Q. Why can't I set options such as the length of sentence?

    A. This option is built-in to the selected writing style. To change the
       acceptable sentence length, change the selected writing style. The
       grammar options that are built in to the writing style include:

        - Length of long sentence

        - Allowable number of noun modifiers

        - Allowable number of consecutive prepositional phrases

        - Allowable number of words to split infinitive

        - Use of the first person pronoun

          NOTE: Available in the grammar checker only when the Technical
          style is selected.

      The following table lists the specific values for the invisible

                                            Writing Style
         Invisible Option       Casual  Standard  Formal  Technical  Custom

         Length of long
         sentence                  50       50       40        40        40

         Allowable number of
         noun modifiers             5        4        3         3         4

         Allowable number of
         consecutive prepositional
         phrases                    5        4        3         3         4

         Allowable number of words
         to split infinitive        3        2        1         1         2

         Technical writing
         critiques                 off      off      off        on      off

19. Q. What do the grammar statistics mean?

    A. The Flesch Reading Ease calculates how easy it is to read the
       document. The higher the score (on a scale of 0 to 100), the easier
       it is to understand the document.

       The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level provides the writer of the document
       with a value that indicates the minimum education level required for
       the reader to be able to understand the document. The lower the
       score, the easier it is to understand the document (scale is 0 to

       What formulas are these statistics based on?

       The Flesch Reading Ease score is based on the number of words in
       each sentence that is grammar checked, and the average syllable per
       word. The Flesch Reading Ease score rates text on a 100-point scale;
       the higher the score, the easier it is to understand the document.

       The formula for the Flesch Reading Ease score is

          206.835 - (1.015 x <ASL>) - (84.6 x <ASW>)

       where <ASL> is the average sentence length (number of words/number
       of sentences) and <ASW> average number of syllables per word (number
       of syllables/number of words).

       The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level score is very similar to the above,
       and it measures readability as a grade level.

       The formula for the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level is:

          Grade Level = (.39 x <ASL>) + (11.8 x <ASW>) - 15.59

       Who uses them?

       Various government agencies require that the readability of specific
       documents or forms meet specific readability standards. For
       example, some states require insurance forms to have a specified
       readability score.

20. Q. How many words and phrases are in the grammar dictionary?

    A. The grammar dictionary includes approximately 99,000 words and
       phrases, in their uninflected form (that is, this number does not
       include words such as "went," "children," and so on, which are the
       inflected forms of "go" and "child."

21. Q. What is the grammar dictionary based on?

    A. It is based on the "Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English," and
       the "American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language," third

22. Q. How is the English grammar checker different if I run it on U.K.
       English text versus U.S. English?

    A. The difference between proofing UK English text and US English is
       primarily in the spelling variances of the words in the two
       languages, for example, "colour" as opposed to "color." These
       variances do not have any effect on grammar.

       The vast majority of the grammar rules apply to all English text
       (U.S. and U.K.). However, there are just a few grammar rules that
       differ depending on the selected language:

       a. Plural premodifiers that are very commonly used in U.K. English,
          are not flagged for U.K. English, but are for U.S. English as in
          the following example:

             This is a trades union. We have done all the
             contents scanning.

       b. Subject-verb agreement with collective nouns where the verb is
          used in the plural form are not flagged in U.K. English, but
          are flagged in US English. as in the following example:

             The team are planning to mobilize soon.

23. Q. Some of the explanations don't seem to be related to the flagged
       mistake. For example, in the sentence

          Lets go home now.

       the explanation in the grammar checker does not mention specifically
       the confusable pair lets/let's.

    A. The grammar explanations are intended to cover the most general
       cases within each rule in order to avoid crowding the screen text.

Additional query words: 8.0 8.0 FAQ
Keywords : word8 word97 kbdta kbproof kbfaq
Version : WINDOWS:97
Platform : WINDOWS
Issue type : kbinfo


Last reviewed: March 13, 1998
© 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.