Bullets and Numbering on Selection Resets Indent InformationLast reviewed: February 5, 1998Article ID: Q90516 |
The information in this article applies to:
SUMMARYWhen you use the Bullets And Numbering command in Word for Windows, paragraphs with varied hanging indent formatting that are numbered or bulleted as a group may not retain their original hanging indent formatting. The paragraph indent will remain, the hanging indent will take on the format of bullets and numbering. Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Word for Windows. We are researching this problem and will post new information here as it becomes available.
MORE INFORMATIONPage 524 of the version 2.0 "Microsoft Word for Windows User's Guide" states that "Word does not change the existing formatting" when you add numbers or bullets to paragraphs with hanging indent formatting. This statement is not true for paragraphs that contain varied hanging indent formatting.
Steps to Reproduce Problem
If the hanging indent option is cleared in the Bullets And Numbering dialog box, the paragraphs lose the first-line indent formatting and the left indent is set to the value of the original left indent plus the original first-line indent. For example, if the paragraph is formatted with a 1-inch left indent and a -.5-inch first-line indent, after you number or bullet the paragraph, it will have a .5-inch left indent (1" + -.5") and a 0-inch first-line indent. Reference(s): "Microsoft Word for Windows User's Guide," version 2.0, pages 170-171, 173
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