Copied File in File Manager to Clipboard Generates ErrorLast reviewed: July 30, 1997Article ID: Q99815 |
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SUMMARYIf you copy a file from Windows File Manager to the Windows Clipboard and then use the Paste Special command (on the Edit menu) in Word for Windows to paste the file as an Unknown Object, the following error message may occur:
Not Enough Memory to Complete OperationNote: The Paste command (on the Edit menu) is unavailable in Word. This problem does not occur when you paste an Unknown Object in Microsoft Excel or Windows Write. In Microsoft Excel, the Paste and Paste Special commands are unavailable. In Write, the Paste Special command is unavailable. We are researching this problem and will post new information here in the Microsoft Knowledge Base as it becomes available.
MORE INFORMATIONIf you copy a file to the Windows Clipboard from File Manager and then choose the Paste Special command (on the Edit menu), Word lists only Unknown Object in the Data Type box.
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