The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Office for Windows 95, version 7.0
- Microsoft Office for Windows, versions 4.2, 4.3
The following process is how Find Fast determines which files to index on
specified local and network writable media:
- File Name Extension:
a. If you choose to index Microsoft Office files, including
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft Project and
Binder Files, Find Fast enumerates (makes a list of) all files
matching these file name extensions on the specified drive.
b. If you choose to index all files, Find Fast enumerates all of the
files in and below the selected directory with the exception of
files matching the "exclude" extension list.
- Find Fast then calls the OLE 2.0 GetClassFile function on every file
matching the criterion specified in step 1 above to determine the
file's Class ID.
a. If the Class ID identifies the file as a Word 6.0-7.0, Microsoft
Excel 2.1-7.0, PowerPoint 7.0, or Office 95 Binder file, Find Fast
uses its internal Word, Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, or Binder
filter to parse the file.
b. If a file is identified as a Microsoft Project file, Find Fast uses
its internal text filter to parse the file.
- If Find Fast does not recognize the Class ID, Find Fast then queries
the Windows 95 Registration Database to determine if any external
converters that support running in NoDialogs mode are installed. Find
Fast then polls each registered NoDialogs converter that expects
(recognizes) the file extension of that particular file. If a converter
recognizes the file, the converter will be used to parse the file.
- If a file does not have a Class ID that is recognized by Find Fast,
does not include a file extension, does not have a file extension
expected by any of the installed external NoDialogs converters, or does
not have a format that is recognized by the converter(s) that supports
its file extension, Find Fast reverts to use of its internal text
filter to parse the file.
If a file is filtered by Find Fast's text filter, but the file does not
include any intelligible textual data, Find Fast will still index the file,
but truncate any "words" over 80 characters.
NOTE: The following file name extensions comprise Find Fast's "exclude"
extension list. Find Fast will never index files with these extensions
because these extensions denote file types that will not include useful
textual data for indexing purposes:
.386, .BMP, .CHK, .COM, .DLL, .DRV, .EXE, .FFA, .FFL, .FFX, .FLT, .FRX,
- Find Fast is installed by Office 95 Setup for access through the
Windows 95 Control Panel.
- Office Extensions include:
Extension File type
--------- ---------
.DOC, .DOT Microsoft Word 6.0 or 7.0 document
.XL* Microsoft Excel Workbooks
.PPT, .POT Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations
.MPP, MPW, .MPT, .MPX Microsoft Project files
.OBD, .OBT Binder files
- The method of file name extension enumeration that Find Fast uses is the
same method all Office applications use to populate the list of files in
the File Open dialog.
- As stated above, Find Fast includes its own internal Word 6.0-7.0,
Microsoft Excel 2.1-7.0, PowerPoint 7.0, Binder, and Text filters.
- "NoDialogs" mode is a mode during which an external text converter will
not echo any dialogs to the screen. For example, if a converter would
normally prompt for a missing linked graphic, it will not do so when
called in NoDialogs mode. Converters that support NoDialogs mode can
include a sub-key in the Windows 95 registry titled "NoDialogs". When a
converter is set up, the default of the following converters is to be
set with NoDialogs mode:
Excel 3.x-7.0
Lotus 1-2-3 2.x-4.0
Word 2.x for Windows
Works 3.x for Windows
Word 4.x-5.x for the Macintosh
Works 4.0 for Windows
WordPerfect 5.x
WordPerfect 6.x
Although the Excel 3.x-7.0 converter supports NoDialogs mode, it is not
used by Find Fast, given Find Fast includes its own internal Excel
2.1-7.0 filter.
The Word 2.x for Windows and Word 4.x-5.x for the Macintosh converters
are not used by Word 7.0 for Windows for import because Word translates
these older file types internally. These converters are, however,
capable of import and are registered as import converters for and used
by Find Fast for this purpose.
- Word identifies some third-party file formats by scanning the first few
bytes in their file headers. Find Fast does not support this method of
recognition for third-party formats. Therefore, a foreign document that
does not include a file extension recognized by any of the installed
NoDialogs external converters will be processed by Find Fast's internal
text filter.
For example, a WordPerfect 5.x document with no file extension will be
processed by Find Fast's text converter because the WordPerfect 6.x
import converter expects either a .DOC or .WPD file extension.
- No converters other than those converters installed with Word or Office
95 that support NoDialogs mode will be utilized by Find Fast. This
means that no 16-bit Windows 3.x converters or converters included with
Word 6.0 for Windows NT or its associated Supplemental Conversions Disk
will be used, unless the NoDialogs sub key is added. However, if this
sub key is added to a converter that does not support the no dialogs
flag, the result may be dialogs that come up during indexing, even if
Find Fast is running in the background without an application window.
This can cause erroneous behavior in both Find Fast and the converter.
- For additional information on which converters are installed with each
Word and Office Setup type and will therefore be available to Find
Fast, please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : WD: Converters Installed with Each Setup Type in
Word/Office 95
- For additional information on where each converter is registered,
please see the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : Converter Registration and File Locations in Word/Office