XCLN: Schedule+ Appointments Scheduled Time IncorrectLast reviewed: September 30, 1997Article ID: Q157704 |
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Exchange Server, version 4.0 - Microsoft Schedule+, version 1.0 - Microsoft Schedule+, version 7.0
SYMPTOMSAppointments between Schedule+ 1.0 users and Schedule+ 7.0 users are scheduled incorrectly if the time the appointment was scheduled occurs before daylight savings time and the time of the appointment occurs after daylight savings time. For example, if the current date is October 15, 1996 (and daylight savings time occurs on October 27, 1996), and you send a meeting request for November 5, 1996, at 12:00 PM from Microsoft Mail using Schedule+ 1.0 to a Microsoft Exchange user using Schedule+ 7.0 and the Microsoft Exchange user accepts the request, the meeting is scheduled for 11:00 AM. In contrast, if the current date is October 15, 1996, and you send a meeting request for October 16, 1996, at 12:00 PM from Microsoft Mail using Schedule+ 1.0 to a Microsoft Exchange user using Schedule+ 7.0, and the Exchange user accepts the request, the meeting is scheduled for 12:00 PM.
CAUSEThis problem occurs when the meeting request is sent by the Schedule+ 1.0 user to the Schedule+ 7.0 user, and vice versa. Schedule+ 1.0 is not aware of time zones or daylight savings time. NOTE: When you send a meeting request between two Schedule+ 1.0 clients across time zones the meeting times show the time the message was scheduled by the requester. There is no adjustment for time zone differences. Schedule+ 7.0 is aware of time zones and daylight savings time. When you send mail between two Schedule+ 7.0 clients (assuming each user has properly set their time zone and clock in Schedule+), across time zones or daylight savings time, the meetings times are correct for both clients.
WORKAROUNDA supported fix is now available, but has not been fully regression- tested and should be applied only to systems experiencing this specific problem. Unless you are severely impacted by this specific problem, Microsoft recommends that you wait for the next Service Pack that contains this fix. Contact Microsoft Product Support Services for more information. If message conversion is being handled by the client, and the customer is using Schedule+ 7.0 and the Microsoft Mail Service Provider to get to a Microsoft Mail Post Office, the problem can still occur.
STATUSThis problem has been corrected in Microsoft Exchange Service Pack 4 (SP4). The SP4 40-bit client for US and Canada can be downloaded from the following location: Internet (anonymous FTP) ftp ftp.microsoft.com Go to the following location: bussys/exchange/exchange-public/fixes/Eng/Exchg4.0/SP4/For the US/Canada 64-Bit client, please call 1-800-370-8758 for ordering Information.
MORE INFORMATIONIf you are using Microsoft Mail and you use Schedule+ 7.0 to send a message, the message is converted on your computer. When the recipient receives the message, it is converted on the recipient's machine unless the Schedule+ 7.0 properties are already in the message. If you are using Microsoft Exchange and Schedule+ 7.0, if you send mail to a Microsoft Mail user, the Microsoft Mail Connector Interchange (MSMI) does the conversion. Basically, the message content is converted at the first Microsoft Exchange gateway (MSMI, IMC, and so forth). No process exists to override any previous conversion, so the conversion only happens once.
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