Response Probe

Response Probe is a utility that lets you design a simulated workload. It then uses that workload to test the performance of your hardware and software configuration. Repeated testing with a fixed, application-independent workload eliminates much of the uncertainty and doubt in performance testing. The response of your configuration is now the only independent variable in the test. When you change your configuration, you can be more confident that any changes in performance result from the new configuration.

Response Probe 2.3 is on the Windows NT Resource Kit 4.0 CD in the Performance Tools group in \PerfTool\Probe\Probe.exe. The Probe subdirectory also includes some useful sample script files and text files explaining how to use them. Response Probe 2.3 must be run from the Command Prompt window of the computer being tested. It cannot be run from the Start button.

This section describes Response Probe, tells you how to run it, how to interpret its output, and then explains how it really works.