Using the Dumpexam Output File

Dumpexam reads a memory dump file, executes debugger commands on it, and writes the output in a text file, called Memory.txt, by default. The same debugger commands are executed on each memory dump file.

A full interpretation of the output requires knowledge of Windows NT kernel processes and the ability to read assembly language; however, there are some guidelines you can follow to get an idea of what the output means. This section first describes each part of the memory dump file output, giving sample output and a description. Then several common traps are discussed, along with guidelines on which sections of the Memory.txt file can help you determine what caused the kernel STOP error.

Because the primary purpose of the dumpexam utility is to create a text file to send to support personnel, the descriptions in this section do not provide complete details of the contents of the Memory.txt file.

The following sections of the Memory.txt file each occur once, as they include information that applies to the whole system. These sections are listed in the order in which they appear in Memory.txt.

Windows NT Crash Dump Analysis

The first section of output is Windows NT Crash Dump Analysis, which looks like the following:

** Windows NT Crash Dump Analysis
Filename . . . . . . .c:\temp\dumps\mac.dmp
Signature. . . . . . .PAGE
ValidDump. . . . . . .DUMP
MajorVersion . . . . .free system
MinorVersion . . . . .1057
DirectoryTableBase . .0x0006f005
PfnDataBase. . . . . .0x83fce000
PsLoadedModuleList . .0x800ee5c0
PsActiveProcessHead. .0x800ee590
MachineImageType . . .alpha
NumberProcessors . . .2
BugCheckCode . . . . .0x0000002e
BugCheckParameter1 . .0x00000000
BugCheckParameter2 . .0x00000000
BugCheckParameter3 . .0x00000000
BugCheckParameter4 . .0x00000000
ExceptionCode. . . . .0x80000003
ExceptionFlags . . . .0x00000001
ExceptionAddress . . .0x800bc140

Most of the information here is useful only for determining whether the memory dump file is corrupted. The following items are most important, especially if you did not record any information from the blue screen generated when the computer trapped:




This code lists the number of the stop that occurred. The stop code can be used by support personnel to determine what trap occurred. For information on bug check codes, see Chapter 4, "Message Reference," in Windows NT Messages. Descriptions of the STOP code message start on page 441 in chapter 4 and are in numerical order. In the preceding example, the code was 0x0000002e, which is a DATA_BUS_ERROR.


These are the four parameters that are normally included with each STOP code. The description of the STOP code in Windows NT Messages includes the meaning of the parameters for some of the kernel STOP Errors.

Symbol File Load Log

This section of the Memory.txt file includes any errors that were generated when the symbols were loaded. If no errors were generated, this section will be blank.


The !drivers command is a debug command that you use to list information on all the device drivers loaded on the system. The information for the device drivers looks like this:

** !drivers 

Loaded System Driver Summary

Base   Code Size    Data Size   Driver Name   Creation Time
80080000 f76c0 (989 kb) 1f100 (124 kb) ntoskrnl.exe Fri May 26 15:13:00 1995
80400000 d980 ( 54 kb) 4040 ( 16 kb)   hal.dll Tue May 16 16:50:34 1995
80654000 3f00 ( 15 kb) 1060 ( 4 kb) ncrc810.sys Fri May 05 20:07:04 1995
8065a000 a460 ( 41 kb) 1e80 ( 7 kb) SCSIPORT.SYS Fri May 05 20:08:05 1995

The following information can be determined from the above output:




The starting address of the device driver code, in hexadecimal. When the code that causes a trap falls between the base address for a driver and the base address for the next driver in the list, then that driver is frequently the cause of the fault. For instance, the base for Ncrc810.sys is 0x80654000. Any address between that and 0x8065a000 belongs to this driver.

Code Size

The size in kilobytes of the driver code, in both hexadecimal and decimal.

Data Size

The amount of space in kilobytes allocated to the driver for data, in both hexadecimal and decimal.

Driver Name

The driver filename.

Creation Time

The link date of the driver. Do not confuse this with the file date of the driver, which can be set by external utilities. The link date is set by the compiler when a driver or executable file is compiled. It should be close to the file date, but it will not always be the same.


The !locks command is a debugger command that displays all locks held on resources by threads. A lock can be shared or exclusive, which means no other threads can access that resource. This information is useful when a deadlock occurs on a system, because a deadlock is caused when one nonexecuting thread holds an exclusive lock on a resource needed by an executing thread.

** !locks -p -v -d
KD: Scanning for held locks.................

Resource @ 0xffb6ed14  Shared 2 owning threads
   Threads: ffb3bb70-01  
0012fb50: Unable to read ThreadCount for resource

Resource @ 0xffb6ecdc  Shared 2 owning threads
   Threads: ffb3bb70-02  
0012fb50: Unable to read ThreadCount for resource

The !memusage command gives a short description of the current memory use of the system. Then it gives a much longer listing of the memory usage summary. The output looks something like this:

** !memusage 

loading PFN database...................................................
       Zeroed:  405 ( 3240 kb)
        Free:   0 (   0 kb)
      Standby:  3242 ( 25936 kb)
      Modified:  135 ( 1080 kb)
  ModifiedNoWrite:   0 (   0 kb)
    Active/Valid:  4410 ( 35280 kb)
     Transition:   0 (   0 kb)
      Unknown:   0 (   0 kb)
       TOTAL:  8192 ( 65536 kb)

Usage Summary in KiloBytes (Kb):
Control Valid Standby Dirty Shared Locked PageTables name
80975548   0   56   0   0   0   0 mapped_file(oemnxpip.inf)
80975248   0   16   0   0   0   0 mapped_file(oemnxpnb.inf)
8096aa68   0  160   0   0   0   0 mapped_file(SFMATALK.SY_)
80974f48   0  104   0   0   0   0 mapped_file(oemnxpsm.inf)
809758e8   0   96   0   0   0   0 mapped_file(utility.inf)

This section provides information for some memory leak issues, but it is more useful to refer to the !vm section for memory information for most common kernel STOP errors.


The !vm command lists the system's virtual memory usage. The output of !vm looks like this:

** !vm 
*** Virtual Memory Usage ***
    Physical Memory:  32784  (131136 Kb)
    Available Pages:  27435  (109740 Kb)
    Modified Pages:    33  (  132 Kb)
    NonPagedPool Usage:  461  ( 1844 Kb)
    PagedPool 0 Usage:  1519  ( 6076 Kb)
    PagedPool 1 Usage:  125  (  500 Kb)
    PagedPool 2 Usage:  149  (  596 Kb)
PagedPool Usage:   1793  ( 7172 Kb)
    Shared Commit:    173  (  692 Kb)
    Process Commit:    254  ( 1016 Kb)
    PagedPool Commit:  1793  ( 7172 Kb)
    Driver Commit:    321  ( 1284 Kb)
    Committed pages:   4261  ( 17044 Kb)
    Commit limit:    80792  (323168 Kb)

All memory usage is listed in pages and in kilobytes. The most useful information in the !vm section for diagnosing problems is:



Physical Memory

The total physical memory in the system.

Available Pages

The number of pages of memory available on the system, both virtual and physical. If this is low, it might indicate a problem with a process allocating too much virtual memory.

NonPagedPool Usage

The amount of pages allocated to the nonpaged pool. The nonpaged pool is memory that cannot be swapped out to the pagefile, so it must always occupy physical memory. This number should rarely be larger than 10% of the total physical memory. If it is larger, this is usually an indication that there is a memory leak somewhere in the system.


The debugger sometimes keeps track of kernel errors logged by the system when a problem occurs. The !errlog section contains a dump of this log. In most cases, the error log is empty. If it is not empty, you can sometimes use it to determine the component or process that caused the blue screen.

!irpzone full

An Interrupt Request Packet (IRP) is a data structure used by device drivers and other kernel mode modules to communicate information to each other. The !irpzone full command displays a list of all the pending IRPs on the system. The following information is displayed in this section:

** !irpzone full
Small Irp list
Irp is from zone and active with 1 stacks 1 is current
 No Mdl System buffer = fb564000 Thread fb5688a0: Irp stack trace. 
 cmd flg cl Device  File   Completion-Context
> d  0 1 fb56a030 fb56cd48 00000000-00000000  pending
           Args: 00001000 00000000 00121020 00000000
Large Irp list
Irp is from zone and active with 4 stacks 5 is current
 No Mdl Thread fb4b6860: Irp is completed. Pending has been returned
 cmd flg cl Device  File   Completion-Context
  0  0 0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000  

           Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  0  0 0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000  

           Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  0  0 0 00000000 00000000 00000000-00000000  

           Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  d  0 0 fb5e3020 00000000 f8a8c711-fb48df10  
      \FileSystem\Ntfs SrvCompleteRfcbClose
           Args: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

Each entry lists information about a different IRP and points to the driver that currently owns the IRP. This information can be useful when the trap analysis (which occurs later in the Memory.txt file) points to a problem with a corrupted or bad IRP. The IRP listing usually contains several entries in both the small and large IRP lists.

!process 0 0

This command lists all processes and their headers. The process header list will contain entries like the following:

** !process 0 0
PROCESS fb667a00 Cid: 0002  Peb: 00000000 ParentCid: 0000
  DirBase: 00030000 ObjectTable: e1000f88 TableSize: 112.
  Image: System

PROCESS fb5edde0 Cid: 0018  Peb: 7ffdf000 ParentCid: 0002
  DirBase: 01587000 ObjectTable: e11d59a8 TableSize: 48.
  Image: SMSS.EXE

The important information in the !process 0 0 section is:



Process ID

The 8-character hexadecimal number after the word PROCESS is the process ID. This is used by the system to track the process. For the first process in the example, this is fb667a00.


The name of the module that owns the process. In the above example, the first process is owned by System, the second by Smss.exe.

!process 0 7

This command also lists process information. But instead of just listing the process header, the !process 0 7 command lists all information about the process, including all threads owned by each process. This is a very long listing because each system has a large number of processes and each process has one or more threads. In addition, if the stack from a thread is resident in kernel memory (as opposed to swapped to the page file), it is listed after the thread information. Most process and thread listings look like the following:

** !process 0 7

PROCESS fb667a00 Cid: 0002  Peb: 00000000 ParentCid: 0000
  DirBase: 00030000 ObjectTable: e1000f88 TableSize: 112.
  Image: System
  VadRoot fb666388 Clone 0 Private 4. Modified 9850. Locked 0.
  FB667BBC MutantState Signalled OwningThread 0
  Token               e10008f0
  ElapsedTime            15:06:36.0338
  UserTime             0:00:00.0000
  KernelTime            0:00:54.0818
  QuotaPoolUsage[PagedPool]     1480
Working Set Sizes (now,min,max) (3, 50, 345)
  PeakWorkingSetSize        118
  VirtualSize            1 Mb
  PeakVirtualSize          1 Mb
  PageFaultCount          992
  MemoryPriority          BACKGROUND
  BasePriority           8
  CommitCharge           8

    THREAD fb667780 Cid 2.1 Teb: 00000000 Win32Thread: 80144900 WAIT:
(WrFreePage) KernelMode Non-Alertable 80144fc0 SynchronizationEvent Not impersonating Owning Process fb667a00 WaitTime (seconds) 32278 Context Switch Count 787 UserTime 0:00:00.0000 KernelTime 0:00:21.0821 Start Address Phase1Initialization (0x801aab44) Initial Sp fb26f000 Current Sp fb26ed00 Priority 0 BasePriority 0 PriorityDecrement 0 DecrementCount 0 ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child fb26ed18 80118efc c0502000 804044b0 00000000 KiSwapThread+0xb5 fb26ed3c 801289d9 80144fc0 00000008 00000000 KeWaitForSingleObject+0x1c2

The following entries in the process information can be important:




Lists the amount of time the process has been running in user mode. If the value for UserTime is exceptionally high, it might identify a process that is taking up all the resources and starving the system.


Lists the amount of time the process has been running in kernel mode. If the value for KernelTime is exceptionally high, it might identify a process that is taking up all the resources and starving the system.

Working Set Size

Lists the current, minimum, and maximum working set size for the process, in pages. An exceptionally large working set size can also be a sign of a process that is leaking memory or using too many system resources.

QuotaPoolUsage Entries

List the paged and nonpaged pool used by the process. On a system with a memory leak, looking for excessive nonpaged pool usage on all the processes can tell you which process has the memory leak.

In addition to the process list information, the thread information also contains a list of the resources on which the thread has locks. This information is listed right after the thread header. In this example, the thread has a lock on one resource, a SynchronizationEvent with an address of 80144fc0. By comparing this address to the list of locks shown in the !locks section, you can determine which threads have exclusive locks on resources.

Processor-Specific Information in Memory.txt

The following sections in the Memory.txt file occur once for each processor on the system. In a four-processor system, these sections will be repeated for processors 0 through 3. In addition, some traps generate a few extra sections, such as STOP 0x0000001E.

Register Dump for Processor #x

A dump of the state of all registers at the time of the trap is included in this section. For an x86-based system, it appears as follows:

** Register Dump For Processor #0
eax=ffdff13c ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=fb5a7db4 esi=00000d31 edi=00000d31
eip=8013b446 esp=f88b6de4 ebp=f88b6df8 iopl=0     nv up di pl nz na pe nc
cs=0008 ss=0010 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0030 gs=0000       efl=00000286
cr0=8001003b cr2=00000d31 cr3=00030000 dr0=00000000 dr1=00000000 dr2=00000000
dr3=00000000 dr6=ffff0ff0 dr7=00000400 cr4=00000000
gdtr=80036000  gdtl=03ff idtr=80036400  idtl=07ff tr=0028 ldtr=0000

For a RISC-based system, the register dump varies from processor type to processor type. The following example is from a DEC Alpha system:

v0=80006000   t0=00000000   t1=00000000   t2=800ef538
t3=00000008   t4=00000000   t5=800ec440   t6=00000000
t7=00000000   s0=c53f2000   s1=00000002   s2=00000001
s3=00000000   s4=00000001   s5=0018da83   fp=fc90f940
a0=00000002   a1=c53f2000   a2=c53f2000   a3=00000000
a4=00000000   a5=00000002   t8=800ed580   t9=80a4752c
t10=c53f2000  t11=80a4752c   ra=8009b0bc  t12=80a61ecc
at=a0000000   gp=800ed430   sp=fc90f890  zero=00000000
pcr=0000000008000000  softfpcr=0000000000000000    fir=800bf2fc
mode=0 ie=1 irql=2

In general, the register dump is valuable only if you are skilled in reading assembly language on the system you are debugging.

Stack Trace for Processor x

The next section includes a trace of the stack for that processor. The stack trace is important because it tells you what functions were called. You can use it to trace back from a trap to determine why it happened. Included right after each stack trace is a section of disassembled code from the area in memory around the last instruction in the stack. This information also looks different, depending on platform.

The first example is an excerpt from an x86-based computer on which a STOP 0x0000000A occurred:

** Stack Trace
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
f88b6e00 f89805b0 fb55ea88 fb55e988 fb55ea88 KiTrap0E+0x252 (FPO: [0,0,0])
f88b6df8 fb4a71a0 fb4a6028 f89805b0 fb55ea88 NTSend+0x142

  8013B430: 8B 4D 64      mov     ecx,dword ptr [ebp+64h]
  8013B433: 83 E1 02      and     ecx,2
  8013B436: D1 E9       shr     ecx,1
  8013B438: 8B 75 68      mov     esi,dword ptr [ebp+68h]
  8013B43B: 56         push    esi
  8013B43C: 51         push    ecx
8013B43D: 50         push    eax
  8013B43E: 57         push    edi
  8013B43F: 6A 0A       push    0Ah
  8013B441: E8 00 C6 FD FF   call    KiTrap0E+24Eh
--->8013B446: F7 45 70 00 00 02 test    dword ptr [ebp+70h],offset KiTrap0E+255h
  8013B44D: 74 0D       je     KiTrap0E+268h
  8013B44F: 83 3D EC 05 14 80 cmp     dword ptr [KiTrap0E+25Dh],0
  8013B456: 0F 85 29 FE FF FF jne     KiTrap0E+264h
  8013B45C: 83 3D 38 49 14 80 cmp     dword ptr [KiTrap0E+26Ah],0
  8013B463: 0F 85 1C FE FF FF jne     KiTrap0E+271h
  8013B469: 83 3D C0 4D 14 80 cmp     dword ptr [KiTrap0E+277h],0
  8013B470: 0F 85 0F FE FF FF jne     KiTrap0E+27Eh
  8013B476: B8 FF 00 00 00   mov     eax,offset KiTrap0E+283h
  8013B47B: EB AC       jmp     KiTrap0E+235h
  8013B47D: A1 52 F0 DF FF   mov     eax,[KiTrap0E+28Ah]
  8013B482: C6 05 52 F0 DF FF mov     byte ptr [KiTrap0E+290h],0

The arrow (--->) indicates the line in the assembly code at which the system trap occurred.

The most important information here is the stack trace at the top. This tells you in which part of the code the system trapped. Each line of a stack trace is a different instruction that has been pushed on the stack, with the first line being the last thing pushed on the stack. The following information is included in each line of an x86 stack trace:




The base pointer. This is an address on the stack.


The return address. This is the address that the processor returns to when it finishes executing the current thread. This is also the address of the instruction on the next line of the stack.

Args to Child

The first three arguments passed to the function when it was called. These are usually pointers, but can also be other values.

Function name and offset

The final piece of information is a function name and an offset into that function that identifies the location, in code, whose address was pushed on the stack.

The next example is from a DEC Alpha system that experienced STOP 0x0000002E:

Callee-SP        Arguments to Callee        Call Site
fc8e4f90 80403e08 : 80ae1060 00000000 00000000 00000000 KeBugCheckEx+0x58
fc8e5290 800c3ce8 : 80ae1060 00000000 00000000 00000000 HalMachineCheck+0x198
fc8e52d0 800c33b8 : 80ae1060 00000000 00000000 00000000 KiMachineCheck+0x28
fc8e52e0 800c1c20 : 80ae1060 00000000 00000000 00000000 KiDispatchException+0x68
fc8e55e0 800c1bcc : 80ae1060 00000000 00000000 00000000 KiExceptionDispatch+0x50
fc8e5680 80409d4c : 80ae1060 00000000 00000000 00000000 KiGeneralException+0x4
fc8e5880 f7361344 : 80ae1060 00000000 00000000 00000000 READ_REGISTER_UCHAR+0x6c
fc8e5880 f71313c4 : 80ae1060 00000000 00000000 00000000 AtalkReceiveIndication+0x654
fc8e5930 f71361a4 : 80ae1060 00000000 00000000 00000000 EthFilterDprIndicateReceive+0x234
fc8e5990 f713218c : 80ae1060 00000000 00000000 00000000 MiniportSendLoopback+0xb14
fc8e5a30 f71308d8 : 80ae1060 00000000 00000000 00000000 MiniportSyncSend+0x20c
fc8e5a70 f73628c0 : 80ae1060 00000000 00000000 00000000 NdisMSend+0x158

  800BC12C: B21DF170 stl      a0,KeBugCheckEx+80x4(gp)
800BC130: 0000001C call_pal   rdpcr
  800BC134: A0000CA0 ldl      v0,KeBugCheckEx+80x4(v0)
  800BC138: 22000060 lda      a0,KeBugCheckEx+80x5(v0)
  800BC13C: D3406778 bsr      ra,RtlCaptureContext
--->800BC140: 0000001C call_pal   rdpcr
  800BC144: A0000CA0 ldl      v0,KeBugCheckEx+t0x5(v0)
  800BC148: 22000060 lda      a0,KeBugCheckEx+t0x6(v0)
  800BC14C: D34006DC bsr      ra,KiSaveProcessorControlState
  800BC150: 0000001C call_pal   rdpcr
  800BC154: 45299801 xor      s0,76,t0
  800BC158: 221E00D0 lda      a0,KeBugCheckEx+o0x7(sp)
  800BC15C: A0000CA0 ldl      v0,KeBugCheckEx+o0x7(v0)
  800BC160: 223F0230 mov      KeBugCheckEx+E0x78,a1
  800BC164: 22400060 lda      a2,KeBugCheckEx+o0x7(v0)
  800BC168: D340803D bsr      ra,OtsMove
  800BC16C: 47EB0402 mov      s2,t1

In an Alpha stack trace, the Callee-SP parameter serves the same purpose as the ChildEBP parameter in the x86 stack. The number right after the Callee-SP is the return address, and the next four numbers are the arguments that were pushed on the stack. The values for these are usually 0 because a RISC-based system uses special registers and does not pass arguments on the stack.


A !process command without any parameters lists information on the process currently running on the active processor. Its output looks exactly the same as the output in the !process 0 7 section, except that it is only for one process, and no thread information is listed.


A !thread command without any parameters behaves exactly as a !process command without any parameters, and lists the thread that is currently running. The thread output looks exactly the same as the output in the !process 0 7 section.


There are three very similar versions of the same information so it is easier to find which thread(s) are currently executing. A !process 0 7 command lists all process and thread information, which results in 10–15 pages of data just for the process and thread output. Picking out the process or thread that is currently running from this long list can be difficult.

Dump Analysis Heuristics for Bugcode

This section appears in a dump for the processor that actually caused the trap only. This section includes information specific to the STOP code and can be very important. The exact information presented in this section varies for different STOP codes, but it lists the address at which the STOP occurred and any more information that is available.

This an example from STOP 0x0000000A:

** Dump Analysis Heuristics for Bugcode IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL
Invalid Address Referenced: 0x00000020
IRQL:            2
Access Type:         Write
Code Address:        0xfa6325a5

This example is from a STOP 0x0000001E:

** Dump Analysis Heuristics for Bugcode KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED
Exception Code:       0xc0000005
Address of Exception:    0x801704a7
Parameter #0:        0x00000001
Parameter #1:        0x00000001

Common STOP Codes

By looking through the Memory.txt output of common STOP codes, you can sometimes identify the module or driver that caused the problem. Given this information, you might be able to determine whether a service pack or update to Windows NT will fix the problem. In many cases, you will still need to contact support personnel, but looking at the Memory.txt output gives you an idea about what is wrong.


STOP 0x0000000A indicates that a kernel mode process or driver attempted to access a memory address that it did not have permission to access. The most common cause of this error is a bad or corrupted pointer to an incorrect location in memory. A pointer is a variable used by a program to refer to a block of memory. If the variable has an incorrect value in it, then the program tries to access memory that it should not be using.

When this occurs in a user-mode application, it generates an access violation.

When it occurs in kernel mode, it generates a STOP 0x0000000A message. This trap can be caused by either hardware or software. Contact support personnel to determine the exact cause.

To determine the general cause of a STOP 0x0000000A message, look at the Stack Trace for Processor X section of the Memory.txt file. If you have a multiprocessor system, check the output for all processors and look for a stack trace that has a line similar to the following at the top of the stack:

ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
f88b6e00 f89805b0 fb55ea88 fb55e988 fb55ea88 KiTrap0E+0x252 (FPO: [0,0,0])

This is the processor on which the trap occurred. After the stack trace section, additional information on the trap appears in the Dump Analysis Heuristics section. To determine the module that caused the trap, look at the line on the stack trace occurring immediately after the line in the preceding example. This line is usually the line of code that caused the trap. From this information, you can identify the module in which the trap occurred. For example, the top lines of the stack trace can read:

ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
fa679758 fa6325a5 fcdb0b58 fccd3770 02611e6c KiTrap0E+0x252
fa6797e0 fa63ae8e fcc37528 fa67992e fccd3770 FindNameOrQuery+0x141
fa679838 fa6444a5 fa679854 fa6a33d0 fa6798d0 NbtConnect+0x3ae
fa679860 fa630393 fccd3770 fcdb2e08 fa679900 NTConnect+0x2b

The first line of the stack trace contains the reference to KiTrap0E and the second line contains FindNameOrQuery+0x141, which means that the processor trap occurred in the function FindNameOrQuery.


STOP 0x0000001E can also be caused by either hardware or software. It is caused by hardware more often than a STOP 0x0000000A is, but can be caused by software.

When looking at dumpexam output from STOP 0x0000001E, you see two stack trace listings for the processor on which the STOP occurred. The first listing is the stack after the trap occurred, which shows only the kernel calls made to handle the trap and does not include any information about what code caused the trap.

The second listing shows the stack just before the trap occurred. This is the listing you use for your analysis. The register dump for the processor is also duplicated, with the first dump showing the status of the registers after the trap and the second showing the state of the registers when the trap occurred. These two sets of information are separated by a section that looks like the following:

** !exr fca49c20
Exception Record @ FCA49C20:

  ExceptionCode: c0000005
 ExceptionFlags: 00000000
 Chained Record: 00000000
ExceptionAddress: 801704a7
NumberParameters: 00000002

  Parameter[0]: 00000001
  Parameter[1]: 00000001

This section includes the following information:




A status code that identifies what type of exception occurred. In this case, the code is c0000005, which indicates an access violation. To find out what a particular status code means, contact support personnel.


The address of the instruction that caused the STOP.

The first stack trace from STOP 0x0000001E, the one that does not provide any useful information, looks like the following:

ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
fca49968 8013387e fca49990 801367ab fca49998 PspUnhandledExceptionInSystemThread+0x18 (FPO: [0,0,0])
fca49970 801367ab fca49998 00000000 fca49998 PspSystemThreadStartup+0x4a (FPO: [0,0,0])
fca49f7c 8013e452 fca54bae 00000001 00000000 _except_handler3+0x47
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 KiThreadStartup+0x16

To determine where the trap occurred, ignore this stack and look at the second listing, after the !exr entry. The first line in this listing indicates the location in code that caused the trap.

With STOP 0x0000001E, it is also useful to compare the exception address listed in the !exr section to the list of device drivers in the !drivers section of the Memory.txt file. If the trap was caused by a specific driver, this address falls into the address range in the drivers list. If this is the case, it can indicate a problem either with the device that the driver controls or with the driver itself. Here is an example:

FramePtr RetAddr  Param1  Param2  Param3  Function Name
fa1bcda4 8010e244 fcff3940 00000000 00000220 NT!PsReturnPoolQuota+0xe
fa1bcdd4 80117085 fcbee668 fcddf648 fcbff020 NT!ExFreePool+0x16c
fa1bce24 8011c60b fcddf648 fa1bce58 fa1bce54 NT!IopCompleteRequest+0xbd
fa1bce5c 8013de15 00000000 00000000 00000000 NT!KiDeliverApc+0x83
fa1bce7c 8011a1ce 00000000 00000000 80179a01 NT!@KiSwapThread@0+0x15d
fa1bcea0 80179b3f fcc4bf60 00000006 80179a01 NT!KeWaitForSingleObject+0x1c2
fa1bcef0 80139b09 00000114 00000001 00000000 NT!NtWaitForSingleObject+0xaf
fa1bcef0 77f893eb 00000114 00000001 00000000 NT!KiSystemService+0xa9
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 NTDLL!ZwWaitForSingleObject+0xb

STOP 0x0000007F usually occurs in the processor itself and almost always indicates a hardware fault. There are several kinds of STOP 0x0000007F, which you can determine by the first parameter of the STOP code, found in the Windows NT Crash Dump Analysis section at the beginning of the Memory.txt file.

The following are common kernel mode traps:

First Parameter



Divide by zero error


Arithmetic overflow


Invalid opcode


Double fault

A divide by zero error is caused when a DIV instruction is executed and the divisor is 0. This can be caused by problems which need to be investigated further, such as memory corruption, hardware problems, or software failures.

Here's an example of a divide by zero error:

ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
8019d778 8013cdcc fe483688 00000000 00000000 NT!_KiSystemFatalException+0xe
 (FPO: [0,0] TrapFrame @ 8019d778)
8019d7e8 fbb053be 0001440d 000004a9 000004a9 NT!_RtlEnlargedUnsignedDivide+0xc
 (FPO: [4,0,0])
8019d80c 8010f613 0001440d 000004a9 fe482bd0 bhnt!_BhStationQueryTimeout+0x44
 (FPO: [4,0,1])
8019d820 fb910aa6 fe50a000 fe44255a fe44254c NT!_KeSetTimer+0x8f
8019d85c fb9409b3 fe4820c8 fe44255a fe44254c
8019d894 fb94044a fe482b98 fe483688 ffdff401 netflx!NetFlexProcessEthRcv+0x85
8019d8ac fb910ba1 fe482aa8 fb910b30 00000001
8019d8c4 80137c06 fe482bac fe482b98 00000000 NDIS!_NdisMDpc+0x71 (FPO: [EBP
 0xfb910b30] [4,0,4])
fb910b30 18247c8b 8b34778b 4e8d106f d015ff30 NT!_KiIdleLoop+0x5a
kd> !trap 8019d778
eax=0001440d ebx=00000003 ecx=8019d81c edx=000004a9 esi=fe4820c8 edi=fe46a188
eip=8013cdcc esp=8019d7ec ebp=8019d820 iopl=0     nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=0008 ss=0010 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0030 gs=0000       efl=00010246
ErrCode = 00000000
8013cdcc f774240c     div   dword ptr [esp+0xc]

An arithmetic overflow error occurs when the result of a multiplication operation is larger than a 32-bit integer. This error can be caused by a software failure, but it is also frequently a hardware problem.

An invalid opcode error occurs when the processor attempts to execute an instruction that is not defined. This error is almost always caused by hardware memory corruption. If you receive this error, run memory diagnostics on your regular memory and both L1 and L2 cache memory.

A double fault trap occurs when two kernel-mode traps occur simultaneously and the processor is unable to handle them. This trap is almost always caused by hardware failure.

If a particular trap can be caused by either software or hardware, more analysis is required to determine which is the cause. If you suspect a hardware problem, try the following hardware troubleshooting steps:

1. Run diagnostic software to test the RAM in the computer. Replace any RAM reported to be bad. Also, make sure that all the RAM in the computer is the same speed.

2. Try removing or swapping controllers, cards, or other peripherals.

3. Try a different motherboard on the computer.