If networking is to be installed, you must include a [Network] section. If this section header is missing, network installation will be skipped. If the section is present but empty, the user will be presented with various error messages.
If you want the network components to be installed interactively during an otherwise unattended installation, include the following line in the [Network] section:
Attend = Yes
For the installation of network components to proceed without user intervention, this key must be absent.
To detect network adapter cards installed on a computer, the following must be specified under the [Network] section:
DetectAdapters = adapters_section[,adapters_section]. . .
The value for the DetectAdapters key is a user-defined section name. For example, you could name a section [DetectAdaptersData] and specify it in this key. Create this section, and add to it the following keys:
DetectCount = number_of_cards_to_detect LimitTo = inf_option [, inf_option] . . . inf_option = parameter_section
The DetectCount key specifies the number of detection attempts Setup should make. The default is 1. If more cards than the number specified in DetectCount are present, the additional cards will not be detected.
The LimitTo key specifies a list of cards; detection will be limited to cards in that list. If this key is not present, any detectable adapters will be installed. The values can be obtained from the network-adapter INF files.
Each inf_option listed in the LimitTo key can also be listed as a key. The value of these keys will be the parameter normally associated with a network adapter. The values listed here will override detected values.
To detect and install only the first network adapter card, use following line under the [Network] section:
DetectAdapters = ""
Note that there is no space between the beginning and end quotation marks.
If neither the DetectAdapters key nor the InstallAdapters key (described under "Installing Network Adapter" later in this appendix) is present, user participation will be required. If DetectAdapters is present but contains no value, then the first adapter is detected and installed. The DetectAdapters and InstallAdapters keys can both be present.
[Network] InstallProtocols = SelectedProtocolsList [SelectedProtocolsList] TC = TCPIPParameters ATALK = AppleTalkParameters
To install network adapters, the following key must be included in the [Network] section:
InstallAdapters = adapters_list_section[, adapters_list_section]. . .
The value for the InstallAdapters key is a user-defined section name. For example, you could name a section [InstallAdaptersList] and specify it in this key. All network adapters listed in the [InstallAdaptersList] section would then be installed. Create this section, and add to it a line for each adapter to be installed, using the following format:
inf_option = parameter_section[, oem_path]
If the InstallAdapters key and the DetectAdapters key are not present, user participation will be required.
Each inf_option key in this section defines the inf_option to be installed. The answers for the inf_option key are adapter-specific. If the adapter is an OEM-supplied card, the path can be specified.
[Network] InstallAdapters = SelectedAdaptersList [SelectedAdaptersList] NE2000 = NovelParameters ELNKII = 3ComParameters MSNETULTRA = MacrosoftNetUltraParameters, A:\
For network adapters, you must know and specify the necessary parameters for the cards you want to preinstall. To determine whether a card supports unattended setup, search for stf_unattended in the INFs for that card.
To install network services, the following keys should be specified under the [Network] section:
InstallServices = services_list_section[, services_list_section] . . .
All services listed will be installed. If the InstallServices key is absent, no extra services will be installed.
The value for the InstallServices key is a user-defined section name. Create the section named by the InstallServices key, and in it list the service to be installed, using the following syntax:
inf_option = parameter_section[, oem_path]
Each inf_option key in this section defines the options to be installed. The value for this key is a user-defined section name and the OEM source path, if necessary. Create the section named by the inf_option key, and in it list the parameters to be used.
[Network] InstallServices = SelectedServicesList [SelectedServicesList] SFM = ServicesForMacParameters WINS = WINServiceParameters
To detect network adapter cards installed on a computer, the following must be specified under the [Network] section:
InstallProtocols = protocol_list_section[, protocol_list_section] . . .
The value for the InstallProtocols key is a user-defined section name. For example, you could name a section [InstallProtocolsList] and specify it in this key. Create this section, and add to it a line for each protocol to be installed, using the following format:
inf_option = parameter_section[, oem_path]
The value on the left of the equals sign, inf_option, is the notation for the protocol, as it appears in the [Options] section of the INF file for that protocol. Protocol INFs have the filename Oemxpxx.inf, where xx refers to a particular protocol. The value on the right of the equals sign is a user-defined section name and the OEM source path, if necessary. Create the section named by the inf_option key, and in it list the parameters to be used for that protocol.
All protocols listed will be installed. If this key is not present, the default protocols will be installed and user participation might be required for Setup to continue.
Specifying the TCP/IP protocol is one case within the general topic of installing protocols, and is discussed in the section, "Installing TCP/IP."
[Network] InstallProtocols = SelectedProtocolsList [SelectedProtocolsList] TC = TCPIPParameters ATALK = AppleTalkParameters
To install NetBEUI, it must be specified in the "protocol_list_section" section specified by the InstallProtocols key described in the [Network] section. This is described under "Installing Network Protocols" earlier in this Appendix. In the protocol_list_section, include the following line:
NBF = NetBEUI_parameters_section
The section you specify as the value for NBF must exist, but is empty since NetBEUI does not require any parameters. For example, your answer file might include the following lines:
[Network] InstallProtocols = SelectedProtocolsList [SelectedProtocolsList] NBF = NetBEUI_params TC = TCPIPParameters [NetBEUI_params] [TCPIPParameters] . . .
To install TCP/IP, it must be specified in the section specified by the InstallProtocols key described in the [Network] section. This is described under "Installing Network Protocols" earlier in this Appendix. Create a separate section for the parameters, and refer to it in the section specified by the InstallProtocols key
The supported TCP/IP parameters are as follows:
DHCP = Yes | No ScopeID = scope_ID
If you have set DHCP = No, you must also provide the following parameters. For a discussion of these parameters see Chapter 7, "Using Microsoft DHCP Servers" in the Windows NT Server Networking Guide.
IPAddress = ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd Subnet = ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd Gateway = ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd DNSServer = IPAddress, IPAddress, IPAddress ;Up to 3 IP addresses can be specified WINSPrimary = IPAddress WINSSecondary = IPAddress DNSName = DNS_Domain_Name
Both TCP/IP and SNMP allow you to configure computers on a site basis and/or on a computer-specific basis. A site-based configuration configures each computer with identical parameters, whereas a computer-specific configuration allows a computer to have unique parameters. These two configurations can be mixed together. The generic or site-specific parameters are processed first. If computer-specific parameters exist, they are overlaid on the site-specific ones.
[Network] InstallProtocols = SelectedProtocolsList [SelectedProtocolsList] TC = TCPIPParameters [TCPIPParameters] DHCP = NO IPAddress = Subnet = Gateway = DNSServer =,, WINSPrimary = WINSSecondary = DNSName = microsoft.com ScopeID = This_is_the_scope_id
[Network] InstallProtocols = SelectedProtocolsList [SelectedProtocolsList] TC = TCPIPParameters [TCPIPParameters] DHCP = YES DNSServer =,, WINSPrimary = DNSName = microsoft.com ScopeID = This_is_the_scope_id
To install the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) service, it must be specified in the section that you create and that you specify in the InstallServices key. The InstallServices key is described under "Installing Network Services" earlier in this Appendix. On the line that specifies the protocol, you name the section (also created by you) that contains the parameters for the protocol. This is illustrated in the example at the end of this section.
The supported parameters are as follows:
Accept_CommunityName = Name1, Name2, Name3 ;maximum of 3 names Send_Authentication = Yes | No Any_Host = Yes | No Limit_Host = host1, host2, host3 ;limit to 3 hosts Community_Name = name Traps = IPaddress | IPXaddress ;maximum of 3 addresses Contact_Name = name ;limit to 1 name Location = location_name ;limit to 1 name Service = Physical, Applications, Datalink, Internet, EndToEnd
; Any combination is valid
For a discussion of these parameters, see Chapter 11, "Using SNMP for Network Management" in the Windows NT Server Networking Guide.
If a parameter is an IP address, all four octets must be specified in dotted decimal notation only.
Both TCP/IP and SNMP allow you to configure computers on a site basis and/or on a computer-specific basis. A site-based configuration configures each computer with identical parameters, whereas a computer-specific configuration allows a computer to have unique parameters. These two configurations can be mixed together. The generic or site-specific parameters are processed first. If computer-specific parameters exist, they are overlaid on the site-specific ones.
[Network] InstallServices = SelectedServicesList [SelectedServicesList] SNMP = SNMPParameters [SNMPParameters] Accept_CommunityName = MicrosoftCommunity Send_Authentication = YES Any_Host = NO Limit_Host = HostSystem Community_Name = MyCommunity Traps = 1234567890AB, 192.001.001, 3456123456 Contact_Name = NT_Administration Location = Building_26 Service = Physical, Datalink, Internet
To install NWLNKIPX, it must be specified in the "protocol_list_section" section specified by the InstallProtocols key described in the [Network] section. This is described under "Installing Network Protocols" earlier in this Appendix. In the protocol_list_section, include the following line:
NWLNKIPX = NetBEUI_parameters_section
The section you specify as the value for NWLNKIPX must exist, but is empty since NWLNKIPX does not require any parameters. For example, your answer file might include the following lines:
[Network] InstallProtocols = SelectedProtocolsList [SelectedProtocolsList] NWLNKIPX = NWLNKIPX _params TC = TCPIPParameters [NWLNKIPX _params] [TCPIPParameters] . . .
To install Client Service for NetWare, it must be specified in the section specified by the InstallServices key (the InstallServices key is included in the [Network] section). To the section specified by the InstallServices key, add the following line:
NWWKSTA = NetWareClientParametersSection
You can assign any name for the NetWareClientParametersSection. Create a section with that name and specify the NetWare client parameters that you want to use in that section. The recognized parameters are as follows:
DefaultLocation = server_location DefaultScriptOptions = 0 | 1 | 3
DefaultLocation identifies the default logon server for the NetWare client. The DefaultScriptOptions key specifies the default action to take with scripts, and can be assigned any of the following values:
0 | Do not run a script |
1 | Run NW 3.x level scripts only |
3 | Run NW 3.x or NW 4.x scripts |
[Network] InstallServices = SelectedServicesList [SelectedServicesList] NWWKSTA = ClientNetwareParameters [ClientNetwareParameters] DefaultLocation = NWServer DefaultScriptOptions = 0
To install Remote Access Service (RAS), include the following line in the section you defined with the InstallServices key in the [Network] section:
RAS = RAS_parameters_section
where RAS_parameters_section is a section that you define and use to specify the following parameters:
PortSections = MYCOM1, MYCOM2, MYCOM3-25 DialoutProtocols = TCP/IP | IPX | NETBEUI | ALL> DialinProtocols = TCP/IP | IPX | NETBEUI | ALL NetBEUIClientAccess = Network | ThisComputer TcpIpClientAccess = Network | ThisComputer UseDHCP = YES | NO StaticAddressBegin = IP_address StaticAddressEnd IP_address ExcludeAddress = IP_address1-IP_address2 ClientCanRequestIPAddress = YES | NO IpxClientAccess = Network | ThisComputer AutomaticNetworkNumbers = YES | NO NetworkNumberFrom = IPX_net_number AssignSameNetworkNumber = YES | NO ClientsCanRequestIpxNodeNumber YES | NO
Defaults and restrictions are as follows:
PortSections | Any number of port section names |
DialoutProtocols | ALL implies all installed protocols |
DialinProtocols | ALL implies all installed protocols |
NetBEUIClientAccess | Default is Network |
TcpIpClientAccess | Default is Network |
UseDHCP | Default is YES |
StaticAddressBegin | Required if UseDHCP = NO |
StaticAddressEnd | Required if UseDHCP = NO |
ExcludeAddress | One or more ranges, comma separated. |
ClientCanRequestIPAddress | Default is NO |
IpxClientAccess | Default is Network |
AutomaticNetworkNumbers | Default is YES |
NetworkNumberFrom | 1 to 0xFFFFFFFE; required if AutomaticNetworkNumbers is NO |
AssignSameNetworkNumber | Default is YES |
ClientsCanRequestIpxNodeNumber | Default is NO |
DeviceType = Modem |
If you have specified a "PortSection" you must create the section, which can have the following keys:
PortName = COM1 | COM2 | COM3-COM25 DeviceType = Modem DeviceName = device_name PortUsage = DialOut | DialIn | DialInOut
indicates the names of the ports to be configured in a particular port section.
indicates the type of device RAS should install. For the current release of Windows NT Workstation, the only available device type is a modem. If DeviceType = Modem, the InstallModem key must be included in the [Modem] section.
specifies the name of the device to be installed.
defines the dialing properties for the ports being configured.
For a discussion of RAS features and parameters, see Chapter 5, "Understanding Remote Access Service" in the Networking Supplement included with the product documentation.
[Network] InstallServices = SelectedServicesList [SelectedServicesList] RAS = RemoteAccessParameters [RemoteAccessParameters] PortSections = MYCOM1 DialoutProtocols = TCP/IP [MYCOM1] PortName = COM1 DeviceType = Modem DeviceName = "Intel Fax Modem 144e" PortUsage = DialOut
This configuration uses default values for all protocols: [Network] InstallServices = SelectedServicesList [SelectedServicesList] RAS = RemoteAccessParameters [RemoteAccessParameters] PortSections = Dialin, Dialout, Dialinout DialoutProtocols = ALL DialinProtocols = ALL [Dialin] PortName = COM1 DeviceType = Modem DeviceName = "USR Sportster V.34" PortUsage = DialOut [Dialout] PortName = COM2 DeviceType = Modem DeviceName = "USR Sportster V.34" PortUsage = DialOut [Dialinout] PortName = COM3-COM6 DeviceType = Modem DeviceName = "USR Sportster V.34" PortUsage = DialInOut
[Network] InstallServices = SelectedServicesList [SelectedServicesList] RAS = RemoteAccessParameters [RemoteAccessParameters] PortSections = InternetPorts DialoutProtocols = TCP/IP DialinProtocols = TCP/IP TcpIpClientAccess = Network UseDHCP = YES ClientCanRequestIPAddress = NO [InternetPorts] PortName = COM3-COM17 DeviceType = Modem DeviceName = "USR Sportster V.34" PortUsage = DialIn
[Network] InstallServices = SelectedServicesList [SelectedServicesList] RAS = RemoteAccessParameters [RemoteAccessParameters] PortSections = InternetPorts DialoutProtocols = TCP/IP DialinProtocols = TCP/IP TcpIpClientAccess = Network UseDHCP = NO StaticAddressBegin = StaticAddressEnd = ClientCanRequestIPAddress = NO [InternetPorts] PortName = COM3-COM17 DeviceType = Modem DeviceName = "USR Sportster V.34" PortUsage = DialIn
[Network] InstallServices = SelectedServicesList [SelectedServicesList] RAS = RemoteAccessParameters [RemoteAccessParameters] PortSections = InternetPorts DialoutProtocols = IPX DialinProtocols = IPX IpxClientAccess = Network AutomaticNetworkNumbers = NO NetworkNumberFrom = 0xa100 AssignSameNetworkNumber = NO ClientsCanRequestIpxNodeNumber = NO [InternetPorts] PortName = COM3-COM17 DeviceType = Modem DeviceName = "USR Sportster V.34"
PortUsage = DialIn