Disk Utilities

DiskProbe, DiskSave, and FTEdit are low-level editors. When you use them, you are changing information on the disk without any checks as to whether the changes make sense. Each utility does display messages asking you to verify that you really want to change the information. However, you can easily make changes that have serious consequences, such as:

Used carefully however, you can solve these same problems when they occur through human error, hardware problems, power outages, and similar events. It is a good idea to get familiar with using these utilities in a test situation before you need to use them for real. Testing is especially important if your configuration has volume sets, stripe sets, extended partitions, or extended volume sets.

DiskMap displays information layout of partitions and logical drives on your disk, and you cannot change information on the disk when using this utility.


You can save and restore Master Boot Records and Partition Boot Sectors by using both DiskProbe and DiskSave. Both utilities save these files in the same format, so they can be saved by using one utility and restored by using the other.