System.ini Settings in the Registry

Entries from a System.ini file in 16-bit Windows 3.x on the computer when you install Windows NT are preserved as entries under this key:

\Microsoft\Windows NT

Table 26.2 describes where you can view or edit entries for similar purposes in Windows NT. These entries are used by applications that look for values in the System.ini file.

Table 26.2 Registry Paths for System.ini Sections

Registry path


#SYS...\WOW\Boot and \Boot.description3; replaced by

Lists drivers and Windows modules as set by using the System option in Control Panel.

Replaced by #SYS...\Drivers323

Contains a list of aliases (or names) assigned to installable driver files as set by using the Drivers and Devices options in Control Panel.

#USR\Keyboard Layout1

Contains information about the keyboard as set by using the Regional Settings option in Control Panel or as dentified by the Hardware Recognizer.

Replaced by #SYS...\MCI and \MCI323 and #SYS...\Drivers.desc3

Lists Media Control Interface (MCI) drivers as set by using the Drivers option in Control Panel.


Contains information used by non-Windows–based applications as defined in PIFs for specific applications or in Config.nt.

Standard in #SYS...\WOW3

Contains information used by 16-bit Windows 3.x in Standard and 386 enhanced mode. All memory management is handled automatically by Windows NT.


2 Full path = HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

3 Full path = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software \Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion