The $OEM$ Directory

To install components, files, or applications that are not included with the Windows NT Workstation retail product, the required files must be added to subdirectories of the $OEM$ directory on the distribution sharepoint.

Place hardware-dependent files that are loaded during text mode setup in subdirectories of $OEM$\Textmode. Create one directory for each device.

Place files that replace or supplement the system files included with the retail product in subdirectories of $OEM$\$$.

Place files for network components, such as protocols, adapters, or network services, in subdirectories of $OEM$\Net. Create one directory for each component.

Place files for applications that support a scripted (silent) installation, and any other files you want to copy to the destination computers, in subdirectories of $OEM$\drive_letter, where drive_letter is the drive on the destination computer in which the application is to be installed. For example, if you want Microsoft Office to be installed on drive C of the destination computers, you would put the installation files in $OEM$\C\MSOffice.

To include in your installation of Windows NT Workstation applications that must be installed interactively, use sysdiff.