Creating the UDF

The first section of the UDF is the [UniqueIds] section. This section lists all uniqueness ids that are supported by this database. The left hand side is a uniqueness ID. The uniqueness ID can be any string but must not contain the star (*), space ( ), comma (,), or equals (=) character. The right hand side is a list of sections, each of which should match the name of a section in the answer file. The format is as follows:

id1 = section1,section2
id2 = section1,section2
id3 = section1,section3,section4

For example, if you were using computernames for the uniqueness IDs, this section might look like this:

janeayer = UserData,Unattended
emilybr = UserData,Unattended
jconrad = UserData,KeyboardDrivers, PointingDeviceDrivers

Following the [UniqueIds] section are the sections referenced in [UniqueIds]. These section names can take either of two forms: They can be exactly like the section name in the answer file (for example, [Unattended]); or, the section name can be preceded with the uniqueness ID and a colon (for example, [janeayer:UserData]). This allows you to create specialized replacement sections for each computer name.

If both a general section (such as [Unattended]) and an ID-specific section (such as [jconrad:Unattended]) are available, Setup will use the section for the uniqueness ID specified in the winnt or winnt32 command line.

The sections in the UDF can contain any keys and values that the same-named sections could contain in the answer file. During setup, each key specified in a referenced section overrides the value for the same key in the answer file. Values are substituted as follows.