
If the computer displays an error message saying that "the specified shared directory cannot be found," make sure that the directory containing the Windows NT installation files is indeed shared on the Windows NT Server computer.

The NetBEUI protocol can only be used in a LAN or a setup staging area because NetBEUI does not support traffic across routers. Both IPX and TCP/IP can be used in a WAN with Setup Manager. However, not all companies route IPX, so you may need to create boot floppies with TCP/IP for use in a WAN environment.

If the computer displays an error message about lack of memory, modify the Config.sys file on the network installation startup disk to use extended memory. For example, EMM386.exe and Himem.sys provide extended memory for MS-DOS 5.0 and later. If you do not have extended memory, use the NetBEUI or IPX protocols instead of TCP/IP.