Settings Saved in a User Profile

A user profile contains configuration preferences and options for each user: a snapshot of a user's desktop environment.

The following table describes the settings in a user profile.


Parameters saved

Windows NT Explorer

All user-definable settings for Windows NT Explorer.


All personal program groups and their properties, all program items and their properties, and all Taskbar settings.

Printers Settings

Network printer connections.

Control Panel

All user-defined settings made in Control Panel.


All user-specific application settings affecting the user's Windows NT environment, including Calculator, Clock, Notepad, Paint, and HyperTerminal, among others.

Windows NT–based applications

Any application written specifically for Windows can be designed so that it tracks application settings on a per-user basis. If this information exists, it is saved in the user profile.

Online Help bookmarks

Any bookmarks placed in the Windows NT Help system.