Symmetric Multiprocessing

The Windows NT Microkernel takes maximum advantage of multiprocessor configurations by implementing symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) and soft affinity.

Symmetric multiprocessing allows the threads of any process, including the operating system, to run on any available processor. Furthermore, the threads of a single process can run on different processors at the same time.

The Windows NT Microkernel allows processors to share memory and assigns ready threads to the next available processor or processors. This assures that no processor is ever idle or is executing a lower priority thread when a higher priority thread is ready to run. Allowing the operating system to run on multiple processors has significant advantages, especially when it is running processor-intensive applications. Server processes can now respond to more than one client at a time.

The Windows NT Microkernel also uses soft affinity in assigning threads to processors: If all other factors are equal, it tries to run the thread on the processor it last ran on. This helps reuse data still in the processor's memory caches from the previous execution of the thread. Applications can restrict threads to run only on certain processors (this is called hard affinity), but this is rare. In addition, Task Manager, a tool built into Windows NT 4.0 Workstation and Server, lets you determine which processor runs a process.