PCPSUICBPARAM    pComPropSheetUICBParam

_CPSUICALLBACK is a caller-defined function that is called by the CPSUI to allow the caller to make changes to an option item.


Pointer to a CPSUICBPARAM structure containing the reason for calling _CPSUICALLBACK. This structure also contains the parameters needed by the caller to make changes to an option item and return an action to the CPSUI to redisplay the affected dialog box.

Return Value

_CPSUICALLBACK returns one of the following values to the CPSUI:




No action is required by the CPSUI for all option items.


The CPSUI should examine the OPTIF_CHANGED flag in the pOptItem field of the structure to which pComPropSheetUICBParam points. If OPTIF_CHANGED is set, the CPSUI needs to redisplay the item because the item’s Flags field or selection has changed.


The CPSUI should examine the OPTIF_CHANGED flag in the pOptItem field of the structure to which pComPropSheetUICBParam points. If OPTIF_CHANGED is set, the CPSUI needs to reinitialize the item in the dialog box control because its associated OPTTYPE structure or OPTPARAM’s Flag and/or pData fields have changed.


Notifies the CPSUI that, due to constraints on the OPTITEM to which pOptItem points, _CPSUICALLBACK displayed a dialog box message and/or had the user correct or confirm something in the OPTITEM. This return value is valid only when _CPSUICALLBACK is called with the Reason field of the pComPropSheetUICBParam parameter set to CPSUICB_REASON_APPLYNOW.


Notifies the CPSUI that the callback has recorded the option(s) that were changed by the user. The CPSUI clears the OPTIF_CHANGEONCE flag of the OPTITEM to which pOptItem points, and saves the new default(s) for future Undo operation(s) that the user might perform. This action is returned only in response to a Reason of CPSUICB_REASON_APPLYNOW.


_CPSUICALLBACK is a caller-defined function. The caller sets the pfnCallBack member of the COMPROPSHEETUI structure to point to its _CPSUICALLBACK function, and passes the structure to PFNCOMPROPSHEET with the CPSFUNC_ADD_PCOMPROPSHEETUI function index.

The CPSUI calls _CPSUICALLBACK so that the CPSUI-caller can respond to option item change(s) made by the user. This call occurs when the user selects OK or Apply on the property sheet page after changing one or more options. _CPSUICALLBACK should record the results of the change and return the appropriate action to the CPSUI. The CPSUI does not call _CPSUICALLBACK if no changes are made or if the user selects Cancel on the property sheet page.

See Also