typedef struct _WNDOBJ{ CLIPOBJ coClient; PVOID pvConsumer; RECTL rclClient; } WNDOBJ, *PWNDOBJ;
The WNDOBJ structure allows the driver to keep track of the position, size, and visible client region changes of a window. The visible client region can be enumerated by calling the WNDOBJ_cEnumStart and WNDOBJ_bEnum functions.
A driver can associate its own data with a WNDOBJ by calling the WNDOBJ_vSetConsumer function.
As an accelerator, the driver can access public members of the WNDOBJ. These public members are guaranteed to remain unchanged only in the context of the driver callback routine supplied to GDI in the EngCreateWnd function, or the functions where a WNDOBJ is given.
CLIPOBJ, WNDOBJ_bEnum, WNDOBJ_cEnumStart, WNDOBJ_vSetConsumer