Select Control Info/PageControl... from the Printer Data menu to access the Page Control dialog box. The Page Control dialog box specifies the page-control commands and the priority order RasDD uses to send the commands to the printer.
Note The fGeneral dialog box accessed from the Page-Control dialog box is not used in the current implementation of Unitool. You can ignore it.
When you finish entering data in the Page Control dialog box:
The page-control commands appear in the text boxes near the center of the Page Control dialog box. Use the scrollbar to access the list boxes and locate the required commands and define them. When complete, indicate the priority order for sending commands numerically in the Order group box near the top of the dialog box.
The PC_OCD_BEGINDOC command is issued to begin printing a document. For example, commands sent at the beginning of a document the cursor or print head to the upper-left corner of a page, clear the printer’s buffers, initialize the printer configuration to a known state, and perform any related tasks. Some common PC_OCD_BEGINDOC commands are the printer reset, carriage return, buffer clear, top-of-form, character set selection, and so on. In addition, less-common (and less-obvious) commands for particular printers are also sometimes set. For example, a raster printer may require unique dip switch settings for foreign character sets. In this case, additional PC_OCD_BEGINDOC commands are inserted to take these settings into account.
Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Reset command (ESC@) to return the printer to the default conditions specified by the current dip switch settings. Use the Cancel command (ESCM) to delete all data from the print buffer.
To specify the Reset and Cancel combination, type the following in the PC_OCD_BEGINDOC box:
HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Reset command (ESCE) to return the printer to its default settings and the Perforation Skip command (ESC&l0L) to disable the printer’s perforation skip feature.
To specify the Reset and Perforation Skip combination, type the following in the PC_OCD_BEGINDOC box:
The PC_OCD_BEGINPAGE box command is issued before printing each page of a document. For some printers, the PC_OCD_BEGINDOC command can be a single carriage return. For other printers, other commands must also be sent.
Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Carriage Return command (0x0d) to return the cursor or print head to the left edge of the page.
To specify the command, type the following in the PC_OCD_BEGINPAGE box:
HP LaserJet IIP: No command is required at the beginning of a new page.
The PC_OCD_DUPLEX_ON command enables duplex (double-sided) printing.
Note RasDD does not process the duplex-on command unless the MD_DUPLEX box is checked in the fGeneral dialog box on the Printer Model Data dialog box.
Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support duplex printer. The PC_OCD_DUPLEX_ON box is empty.
HP LaserJet IIP: The PC_OCD_DUPLEX_ON box is empty.
Two separate commands are required to enable duplex printing; the PC_OCD_DUPLEX_ON and PC_OCD_DUPLEX_HORZ commands. One command enables duplex printing in portrait mode. The other enables it in landscape mode.
The PC_OCD_ENDDOC box command ends a document. The carriage return is a common end-document command that positions the cursor in the left margin. Other end-document commands vary from printer to printer, although the printer is typically returned to its original (or default) state.
Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Carriage Return (0x0d) command.
To specify the Carriage Return command, type the following in the PC_OCD_ENDDOC box:
HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Reset command (\x1BE) to reset the printer to its default settings.
To specify the Reset command, type the following in the PC_OCD_ENDDOC box:
The PC_OCD_ENDPAGE command ends a page.
Diconix 150 Plus: No command is required. The PC_OCD_ENDPAGE box is empty.
HP LaserJet IIP: Same as Diconix 150 Plus.
The PC_OCD_DUPLEX_OFF command disables duplex (double-sided) printing.
Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support duplex printing. The PC_OCD_DUPLEX_OFF box is empty.
HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Duplex Off command (ESC&l0S).
To specify the command, type the following in the PC_OCD_DUPLEX_OFF box:
The PC_OCD_ABORT command cancels the current document.
Diconix 150 Plus: Use the Reset command (ESC@) to return the printer to its default settings and the Cancel command (ESCM) to delete all data from the print buffer.
To specify the Reset and Cancel combination, type the following in the PC_OCD_ABORT box:
HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Reset command (ESCE) to return the printer to its default settings.
To specify the Reset command, type the following in the PC_OCD_ABORT box:
The PC_OCD_PORTRAIT command enables the printer to render output in portrait mode. A printer supports the portrait-mode command only if the printer also supports device fonts for both portrait and landscape modes.
Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support this command.. The PC_OCD_PORTRAIT box is empty.
HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Portrait Orientation command (ESC&l0O).
To specify the command, type the following in the PC_OCD_PORTRAIT box:
The PC_OCD_LANDSCAPE command enables the printer to print output in landscape mode. A printer supports the landscape-mode command only if the printer also supports device fonts for both portrait and landscape modes.
Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support commands that set the page orientation. The PC_OCD_LANDSCAPE box is empty.
HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Landscape Orientation command (ESC&l1O).
To specify the command, type the following in the PC_OCD_LANDSCAPE box:
The PC_OCD_MULT_COPIES command enables multiple copies of a document to be printed.
Note RasDD does not process the multiple-copies command unless the MD_COPIES box is checked in the fGeneral dialog box on the Printer Model Data dialog box.)
Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support a command that enables multiple-copy printing. The PC_OCD_MULT_COPIES box is empty.
HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Number of Copies command (ESC&lnX) to print n copies of a document.
To specify the command, type the following in the PC_OCD_MULT_COPIES box:
The PC_OCD_DUPLEX_VERT command enables vertical-duplex printing. When pages are printed in vertical-duplex mode, each is printed to permit the top and bottom edges of consecutive pages to be bound. When pages are printed in horizontal-duplex mode, each is printed to permit the left and right edges of consecutive pages to be bound.
Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support this command. The PC_OCD_DUPLEX_VERT box is empty.
HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Vertical Duplex command (ESC&l1S).
To specify the command, type the following in the PC_OCD_DUPLEX_VERT box:
The PC_OCD_DUPLEX_HORZ command enables horizontal-duplex printing.
Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support duplex printing. The PC_OCD_DUPLEX_HORZ box is empty.
HP LaserJet IIP: Use the Horizontal Duplex command (ESC&l2S).
To specify the command, type the following in the PC_OCD_DUPLEX_HORZ box:
The PC_OCD_PRN_DIRECTION command sets the direction of the text relative to the current graphic orientation at 90 degree increments.
Diconix 150 Plus: Does not support the text direction. The PC_OCD_PRN_DIRECTION box is empty.
HP LaserJet IIP (HPPCL5 only): Use the text rotation command (ESC&a%dP).
To specify the command, type the following in the PC_OCD_PRN_DIRECTION box:
(Not currently supported)
Max # Copies specifies the maximum number of copies that the user can request.
Diconix 150 Plus: If a printer does not support multiple copies, this box can be left empty. For clarity, however, this box contains 1 for the Diconix minidriver.
HP LaserJet IIP: Allows a maximum of 99 copies (99 is the default).
The Order group box contains 16 controls that specify the order of the page-control commands. Some printers, such as the Hewlett-Packard printers that use PCL, require a specific ordering of the page-control commands to process pages correctly. Other printers, such as the Diconix, work satisfactorily using the default ordering. The default values begin with 1 in the upper-left corner and proceed down the left column, to the top of the right column, and then down the right column.
Diconix 150 Plus: Use the default values.
HP LaserJet IIP: Requires the unique ordering of the commands as specified in the following list:
This dialog box is not used in the current implementation of Unitool.