Font Cartridges Dialog Box

A number of font cartridges can be set up for the minidriver. To specify font cartridges for the minidriver, select Font Info from the Printer Data menu on the minidriver’s Printer Data window. Then select FontCart to display the initial Font Cartridge dialog box.

To select an existing font cartridge, highlight the desired set of Font Cartridges commands to edit on the minidriver’s Printer Data window. Then double click on the selection to display the Font Cartridge dialog box.

Some printers provide a slot for removable cartridges that contain device fonts. The Font Cartridge dialog box contains controls that you use to identify supported cartridges and the fonts that each contains.

Note  The examples for the HP LaserJet IIP printer assume the printer uses the Microsoft 1A cartridge, one of 33 cartridges supported by the HP LaserJet printer.

Note  The fGeneral button on the Font Cartridge dialog box is not in use at this time and does not require entry.

When you finish entering data in the Font Cartridge dialog box:

Name of Cartridge

The Name of Cartridge box specifies the selected font-cartridge name.

HP LaserJet IIP: Contains the string, “Z: Microsoft 1A”, which identifies the Microsoft 1A font cartridge.

Portrait Fonts

The Portrait Fonts box specifies the names of portrait fonts supported by a cartridge. Unitool copies the names of all the PFM font files used by the minidriver into this control. Specify which fonts are supported on a particular cartridge by selecting the correct names with the cursor and clicking the mouse button to highlight the selection.

HP LaserJet IIP: Sixteen of the 303 device fonts are supported on the Microsoft 1A cartridge. The strings that identify these fonts (numbered 184 - 191 and 193 - 200) are highlighted.

Landscape Fonts

The LandScape Fonts box specifies the names of landscape fonts supported by a cartridge. Unitool copies the names of all the PFM font files used by the minidriver into this control. Specify which fonts are supported on a particular cartridge by selecting the correct names with the cursor and clicking the mouse button to highlight the selection.

HP LaserJet IIP: One of the 303 device fonts is supported in landscape mode on the Microsoft 1A cartridge. The string that identifies this font (numbered 192) is highlighted.