Calling VideoPortXxx from HwVidFindAdapter

Certain VideoPortXxx functions should be called only from the miniport driver’s HwVidFindAdapter function(s). A HwVidFindAdapter function would never call all of the following, but every HwVidFindAdapter function must call some of the following VideoPortXxx:

A HwVidFindAdapter routine also can call the VideoPortGetRegistryParameters and VideoPortSetRegistryParameters functions to get and set configuration information in the registry. For example, HwVidFindAdapter might call VideoPortSetRegistryParameters to set up nonvolatile configuration information in the registry for the next boot. It might call VideoPortGetRegistryParameters to get adapter-specific, bus-relative configuration parameters written into the registry by an installation program.

The HwVidInitialize function, described later in HwVidInitialize Functionality, also can call VideoPortGetRegistryParameters or VideoPortSetRegistryParameters.