Video Miniport’s DriverEntry
A DriverEntry function is the initial entry point for each video
miniport driver. DriverEntry is the required name for this function.
A miniport’s DriverEntry function is called by the I/O manager with two
input pointers and must do the following:
Call VideoPortZeroMemory to initialize a VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA
structure on the stack.
Set driver-specific and adapter-specific values in the
VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA fields, including the miniport driver’s entry
points. The following entry points must be set to a driver supplied routine:
The HwVidInterrupt, HwVidResetHw, and HwVidTimer entry
points also must be set to a driver-supplied function or to NULL.
Initialize the StartingDeviceNumber to zero. If a miniport driver
supports more than one adapter, the video port driver uses a different key in
the registry for each adapter and gives each adapter-specific key a name
derived from the zero-based StartingDeviceNumber.
Set up any driver-determined context data that the miniport’s DriverEntry
function passes to the miniport’s HwVidFindAdapter function.
Call VideoPortInitialize with the pointers that were input to the DriverEntry
function and with pointers to the filled-in VIDEO_HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA and
miniport-supplied context data, if any.