

        IN PIRP  Irp,
        IN PIO_COMPLETION_ROUTINE  CompletionRoutine,
        IN PVOID  Context,
        IN BOOLEAN  InvokeOnSuccess,
        IN BOOLEAN  InvokeOnError,
        IN BOOLEAN  InvokeOnCancel

IoSetCompletionRoutine registers an IoCompletion routine to be called when the next-lower-level driver has completed the requested operation for the given IRP.


Points to the IRP that the driver wants to track.
Specifies the entry point for the driver-supplied IoCompletion routine to be called when the next-lower driver completes the packet. This routine is declared as follows:
    IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject,
    IN PIRP Irp,
    IN PVOID Context
Points to a driver-determined context to pass to the IoCompletion routine.
Specifies whether the completion routine is called if the IRP is completed with STATUS_SUCCESS in the I/O status block.
Specifies whether the completion routine is called if the IRP is completed with an error STATUS_XXX in the I/O status block.
Specifies whether the completion routine is called if the IRP is completed with STATUS_CANCELLED set in the I/O status block.


This routine sets the transfer address of the IoCompletion routine in the given IRP. The lowest-level driver in a chain of layered drivers cannot call this routine.

IoSetCompletionRoutine registers the specified routine to be called when the next-lower-level driver has completed the requested operation in any or all of the following ways:

Usually, the I/O status block is set by the underlying device driver. It is read but not altered by any higher-level drivers’ IoCompletion routines.

Higher-level drivers that allocate IRP’s with IoAllocateIrp or IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest must call this routine with all InvokeOnXxx parameters set to TRUE before passing the driver-allocated IRP to IoCallDriver. When the IoCompletion routine is called with such an IRP, it must free the driver-allocated IRP and any other resources that the driver set up for the request, such as MDLs with IoBuildPartialMdl. Such a driver should return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED when it calls IoFreeIrp to forstall the I/O Manager’s completion processing for the driver-allocated IRP.

Callers of IoSetCompletionRoutine must be running at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL.

See Also

IO_STACK_LOCATION, IoAllocateIrp, IoBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest, IRP, IoBuildPartialMdl, IoFreeIrp