IN PVOID AddressWithinSection
MmLockPagableDataSection locks an entire section of driver data into system space.
MmLockPagableDataSection returns a handle to the section. This handle must be passed subsequently to MmLockPagableSectionByHandle or to MmUnlockPagableImageSection.
This routine, MmLockPagableSectionByHandle and MmUnlockPagableImageSection are used by drivers to make data pageable but locked in memory on demand.
Data can be pageable if:
Drivers for mixer devices use pageable-data sections. Because the driver uses sufficient data to make creating a pageable-data section worthwhile and the driver knows when the data is needed, such a driver uses MmLockPagableDataSection, MmLockPagableSectionByHandle and MmUnlockPagableImageSection to bring a data section into system space when needed and make it available to be paged out when not needed.
A single call to MmLockPagableDataSection causes the entire section, containing the referenced data, to be locked into system space.
It is an expensive operation to lock down a section. If a pageable-data section is locked down in more than one place by a driver, use MmLockPagableDataSection for the first request. Make subsequent lock requests by calling MmLockPagableSectionByHandle, passing the handle returned by MmLockPagableDataSection. Locking by handle significantly improves driver performance. A locked down section is unlocked by calling MmUnlockPagableImageSection.
The memory manager maintains a reference count on the handle to a section. A pageable-data section is only available to be paged out when the reference count is zero. Every lock request increments the count; every unlock request decrements the count. A driver must unlock a section as many times as it locks a section to insure that such a section will be available to be paged out when the section is not needed. A handle is always valid, no matter what the count. If the count on a handle is zero and a call is made to MmLockPagableSectionByHandle, the count is set to one, and if the section has been paged out, it will be paged in.
Callers of MmLockPagableDataSection and MmLockPagableCodeSection must use the former for data sections and the latter for code sections. If the incorrect form of MmLockPagableXxxxSection is used, a fatal error will occur on some platforms.
Data in a pageable-data section is marked by a directive available in Windows NT-compatible compilers. To create a pageable data section, use #pragma data_seg (“PAGE”), at the beginning of the data module, and #pragma data_seg () at the end of the module. The keyword PAGE is case-sensitive, that is, PAGE must be capitalized.
Note that there is also a #pragma data_seg(“INIT”) that is used to make data discardable after system initialization. Except for the use of INIT rather than PAGE, the syntax is the same. However the result is not; use of the PAGE directive makes the data section pageable. When the INIT directive is used, the data in the section is discarded as soon as the driver returns from its driver entry routine or its reinitialization routine if the driver has one.
For more information about paging data, see The Programmer’s Guide.
Callers of MmLockPagableDataSection run at IRQL PASSIVE_LEVEL.
MmLockPagableCodeSection, MmLockPagableSectionByHandle, MmPageEntireDriver, MmResetDriverPaging, MmUnlockPagableImageSection