

        IN OUT PVOID  MinitapeExtension,
        IN PINQUIRYDATA  InquiryData,
IN PMODE_CAPABILITIES_PAGE ModeCapabilitiesPage        /* optional */

TapeMiniExtensionInit initializes an optional, driver-specific context area. This routine is called by TapeClassInitialize when the tape miniclass driver is loaded. This routine is optional.


Points to a buffer of the size requested by the tape miniclass driver.
Points to the SCSI inquiry data for the tape device.
Points to a buffer that contains low-level information for the tape device. The format of this page is defined by the evolving QIC 157 standard and is subject to change. The pointer is NULL if the device does not support a mode capabilities page.


A tape miniclass driver requests a minitape extension by specifying a nonzero value for MinitapeExtensionSize in TAPE_INIT_DATA in its DriverEntry routine. A miniclass driver defines the structure and contents of the minitape extension and typically uses it to store inquiry data for the devices it supports.

The tape class driver allocates the minitape extension and supplies it as a parameter to the TapeMiniProcessCommand routines and the optional TapeMiniTapeError routine.

TapeMiniExtensionInit loads information into the minitape extension. The tape class driver passes InquiryData and a ModeCapabilitiesPage to this routine because those structures contain information that a tape miniclass driver might want to store in the minitape extension.

See Also

DriverEntry of Tape Miniclass Driver, TapeClassInitialize, TAPE_INIT_DATA