3.2.2 Reading Configuration Information

For all types of adapters, MiniportInitialize should do the following:

After the miniport has read the information it needs to describe the characteristics of the NIC and stored the information as required into the adapter-specific structure, the miniport calls NdisMSetAttributes or NdisSetAttributesEx. The miniport passes a handle to the adapter-specific structure it uses to represent its NIC, the bus-type for its NIC, and a Boolean that specifies whether its NIC is a busmaster DMA device. A driver calls NdisMSetAttributesEx instead of NdisMSetAttributes to change the default behavior of NDIS with respect to timeouts and Token Ring errors. See the definition of these functions in the Network Driver Reference for details. NDIS will pass the handle to this adapter-specific context area back to the miniport when it calls any MiniportXxx function.