The actual configuration data is obtained from the driver section of the registry. For network cards, the driver section is represented by a short name selected by the NIC driver developer. For example, if ELNK3 PCMCIA is in the system, then its section is:
To distinguish a NIC driver section of a PCMCIA card from an ISA card when both use the same NIC driver, the following should be added by the .inf file to the parameters section:
Pcmcia: REG_DWORD: 1
The BusType value should be 1 (for NdisInterfaceIsa).
pcmcia.sys looks for specific keywords to configure the slot. The following are valid keywords.
IoBaseAddress: REG_DWORD: IOAddress
InterruptNumber: REG_DWORD: IRQ
MemoryMappedBaseAddress: REG_DWORD: host_address
MemoryMappedSize: REG_DWORD: size_of_window
PCCARDMemoryWindowOffset: REG_DWORD:
PCCARDAttributeMemoryAddress : REG_DWORD : host_address
PCCARDAttributeMemorySize : REG_DWORD : size_of_window
PCCARDAttributeMemoryOffset : REG_DWORD :
For more than one memory window, use:
where x is 1, 2, 3, and so forth.