9.1.3 Find First/Next Card by Type
NcDetectFirstNext is used to iterate the instances of a particular type
of network interface card. The function prototype is as follows:
LONG NcDetectFirstNext(
LONG lNetcardId,
LONG lBusNumber,
BOOL fFirst,
PVOID *ppvToken,
LONG *lConfidence
Specifies the index for the NIC obtained by the calling function through NcDetectIdentify.
This value is always an integral of 100, starting with 1000.
Specifies an enumerated value that describes the type of bus on which the NIC
can be found. Again, this information is derived from the registry by the
upper-level application.
Indicates the bus being searched by the upper-level detection algorithm. This
number starts at zero and can continue through the number of buses found by ntdetect.com
and stored in the registry in the hardware hive.
Set to TRUE to start the iteration, and FALSE not to start it.
Points to a variable set to the address of a token to be used to obtain a
handle for the NIC in question.
Points to a variable set to a value from 0 to 100 indicating the confidence
level of the underlying routine’s ability to distinguish the current presence
of a particular NIC type.