A.3.8 Querying Global Statistics

The NIC driver must be prepared to handle requests for global NIC driver statistics that concern objects in the MIB. The NDIS interface library wrapper itself, representing a network management entity instead of a transport driver bound to a network interface card, calls MacQueryGlobalStatistics to make a statistics request, as Figure A.3.8 shows. This function is similar to MacRequest for an information query, but should not be confused with the other function. MacQueryGlobalStatistics is confined particularly to statistical queries.

MacQueryGlobalStatistics can be asynchronous. If it does require postprocessing, it returns NDIS_STATUS_PENDING. When ready to complete the query operation, the NIC driver calls NdisCompleteQueryStatistics.

Figure A.3.7 Querying and setting NIC driver capabilities (per binding)

Figure A.3.8 Querying global statistics (per network interface card)