B.8.5.2 Binding a Stream to a Network Adapter Device

Usually, the lower edge of a STREAMS stack must be bound to one or more network adapter devices. This is best done by having the plumbing daemon for the stack issue a DATAL_IBIND IOCTL command to the dndis driver (open \Device\Streams\dndis).

Example: Associating a Stream with the Lance Network Adapter

#include <dl_ctrl.h>
    int result;
    HANDLE fd;
    struct strioctl StrIoctl;
    struct datal_ibind DatalIbind;
    fd = s_open("\Device\Streams\dndis", 0, 0);
        sizeof(DatalIbind.buffer) - 1
    RtlInitString(&DatalIbind.adapter_name, DatalIbind.buffer);
    Strioctl.ic_cmd = DATAL_IBIND;
    StrIoctl.ic_len = sizeof(DatalIbind);
    StriIoctl.ic_dp = (char *) &DatalIbind;
    result = s_ioctl(fd, I_STR, &StrIoctl);
    // now I_LINK fd under the ip driver