IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterContext,
IN NDIS_HANDLE WrapperConfigurationContext
MiniportReconfigure is an function that the NDIS library currently never calls but that a MiniportInitialize function can call as an internal driver function.
MiniportReconfigure either returns NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS or it can return any driver-determined value, such as one of the following:
As an internal driver function, MiniportReconfigure might be called from MiniportInitialize to reconfigure a NIC to new parameters returned by one of the NdisXxx bus-relative configuration functions. For example, a MiniportReconfigure function might be used to support plug-and-play NICs or software-configurable NICs.
Because an internal MiniportReconfigure function is called from MiniportInitialize, no other driver request can be outstanding when MiniportReconfigure is called, and NDIS will never submit another request to the miniport until its caller, MiniportInitialize, returns control.
Like MiniportInitialize, MiniportReconfigure can be pre-empted by an interrupt if the driver has already called NdisMRegisterInterrupt or if the NIC shares an IRQ.
As an internal driver function called from MiniportInitialize, MiniportReconfigure can be pageable code.
By default, MiniportReconfigure runs at the same IRQL as MiniportIntialize.