Chapter 3 NDIS Library Function References

Functions and macros described here are in alphabetical order. They include all macros and functions defined in the master header, ndis.h, or in a system-supplied filter-library header, _filter.h, that NDIS protocol, miniport, WAN miniport, and intermediate drivers call.

To ensure their portability across Windows NT platforms and binary compatibility across Microsoft operating systems that support Win32®, NDIS miniport drivers should call only the functions described here. Such a miniport might require recompilation for different Windows NT platforms and separate installation scripts to install its NIC on all Microsoft Win32 platforms but such a device driver is otherwise OS-independent.

On the other hand, NDIS intermediate drivers that have both NDIS-defined upper-edge (MiniportXxx) and lower-edge (ProtocolXxx) functions and highest-level NDIS transport protocol drivers usually call additional driver support routines provided by the operating system. For more information about Windows NT kernel-mode support routines that can be called by NDIS intermediate and highest-level protocol drivers, see the Kernel-Mode Driver Reference.

For a summary of the NDIS functions and macros used by protocol, by miniport, and/or by WAN miniport drivers, respectively, see Chapter 2.

For more information about the NDIS functions and macros used only by legacy full-NIC drivers, see Appendix A.