
        IN PLONGLONG  pSystemTime

NdisGetCurrentSystemTime returns the current system time, suitable for setting timestamps.


Points to a caller-supplied variable in which this function returns a count of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601.


An NDIS driver can call NdisGetCurrentSystemTime to set timestamps in the out-of-band blocks associated with packets it indicates or sends.

An NDIS driver also might call NdisGetCurrentSystemTime if it maintains a count of how many packets it receives within any particular interval to tune its performance dynamically. For example, a NIC driver could call NdisGetCurrentSystemTime for each receive interrupt to determine periods of particularly high network traffic, when the driver might disable one or more types of interrupts on the NIC and enable a polling MiniportTimer function to process receives and/or sends.

Callers of NdisGetCurrentSystemTime can be running at any IRQL.

See Also

MiniportHandleInterrupt, MiniportTimer, NdisGetCurrentProcessorCpuUsage, NdisMSetPeriodicTimer, NDIS_PACKET_OOB_DATA, NDIS_SET_PACKET_TIME_RECEIVED, NDIS_SET_PACKET_TIME_SENT, NDIS_SET_PACKET_TIME_TO_SEND