IN OUT PNDIS_STRING DestinationString,
IN PCWSTR SourceString
NdisInitUnicodeString initializes a counted Unicode string.
The DestinationString is initialized to point to the SourceString. The length and maximum length for the DestinationString are initialized to the length of the string at SourceString. If SourceString is NULL, the length is zero.
Callers of NdisInitUnicodeString can be running at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL if the DestinationString buffer is allocated from nonpaged memory. Usually, callers are running at IRQL PASSIVE_LEVEL during driver initialization.
DriverEntry of NDIS Protocol Drivers, MiniportInitialize, NdisAnsiStringToUnicodeString, NdisFreeString, NdisInitAnsiString, NdisInitializeString, NdisUnicodeStringToAnsiString, ProtocolBindAdapter