

        IN NDIS_HANDLE  MiniportAdapterHandle,
        IN ULONG  Length,
        IN BOOLEAN  Cached,
        OUT PVOID  *VirtualAddress,
        OUT PNDIS_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS  PhysicalAddress

NdisMAllocateSharedMemory allocates and maps a host memory range so it is simultaneously accessible from both the system and a busmaster DMA NIC.


Specifies the handle input to MiniportInitialize.
Specifies the number of bytes to allocate.
Specifies TRUE if the range can be allocated from cached memory.
Points to a caller-supplied variable in which this function returns the base virtual address of the allocation for use by the miniport. If NdisMAllocateSharedMemory cannot satisfy its caller, it returns NULL to indicate that no memory was allocated.
Points to a caller-supplied variable in which this function returns a physical address, suitable for use by the NIC, that corresponds to that returned at VirtualAddress, or it returns NULL.


NdisMAllocateSharedMemory provides both the mapped virtual address range that the driver uses to access the shared memory block and the NDIS_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS-type range that the NIC uses. A value returned at PhysicalAddress can be doubly mapped by the system. That is, a “physical” address range described by the value at PhysicalAddress and Length can be a range of mapped logical addresses that do not match the host physical addresses for the allocation in every possible platform.

NdisMAllocateSharedMemory can be called only from MiniportInitialize. How large an allocation to request depends on how the driver writer, knowing the capabilities and features of the NIC, decides to make the tradeoff between the following performance versus size dilemma:

A NIC driver that supplies a MiniportAllocateComplete function has considerably more flexibility in resolving the preceding performance versus size dilemma. MiniportInitialize should allocate only enough shared memory with NdisMAllocateSharedMemory for a moderate demand for network transfer operations through the NIC if the driver has a MiniportAllocateComplete function. Such a miniport can call NdisMAllocateSharedMemoryAsync dynamically to allocate more shared memory in periods of heavier transfer demand on its NIC. When the high demand for transfers subsides, such a driver calls NdisMFreeSharedMemory to release the additional memory it allocated.

NdisMAllocateSharedMemory and NdisMAllocateSharedMemoryAsync are the only NdisXxx functions that can be called to allocate host memory that is shared between the driver, which uses virtual addresses, and a busmaster NIC, which uses the corresponding logical addresses.

Whenever possible, a NIC driver calls NdisMAllocateSharedMemory with Cached set to TRUE because its request is more likely to succeed. In any platform, noncached memory is always a scarce system resource. Usually, drivers can get larger allocations from cached memory as well. A NIC driver must allocate its shared memory space from noncached memory if either of the following is true:

A miniport should align the buffers it allocates from shared cached memory on an integral of the host data-cache-line boundary to prevent cache-line tearing during DMA. Cache-line tearing can cause data-integrity problems in the driver or degrade the driver’s (and the system’s) I/O performance by requiring excessive data-cache flushing to maintain data integrity. MiniportInitialize can call NdisGetCacheFillSize to determine the alignment boundary in the current platform for device-accessible buffers that the driver will set up within an allocated range of shared memory.

MiniportInitialize also might call NdisSystemProcessorCount before it calls NdisMAllocateSharedMemory if the driver writer decides to allocate a larger shared memory block in multiprocessor machines on the assumption that any SMP machine is likely to be a network server with higher network-transfer demands on the NIC than a workstation.

MiniportInitialize must call NdisMAllocateMapRegisters before it calls NdisMAllocateSharedMemory; otherwise, no memory can be allocated. NDIS allocates an additional map register internally for the shared memory range when it is allocated.

If MiniportInitialize did not specify that the NIC is a busmaster when it called NdisMSetAttributes or NdisMSetAttributesEx, NdisMAllocateSharedMemory simply returns control without attempting to make an allocation.

If its call to NdisMAllocateSharedMemory fails, MiniportInitialize can call again requesting a smaller allocation. However, if MiniportInitialize cannot allocate sufficient shared memory for the NIC, it must release all resources it has already allocated and fail initialization.

If the NIC driver subsequently indicates receives with NdisMIndicateReceivePacket, it must allocate some number of buffer descriptors from buffer pool that map the NIC’s receive buffers in the shared memory block.

If the allocated memory is cached and, therefore, needs to be flushed on transfers, the miniport must call NdisAllocateBuffer to allocate an NDIS_BUFFER-type descriptor for the shared memory range. The NIC driver must call NdisFlushBuffer with this buffer descriptor to perform such a flush. In addition, such a miniport should call NdisMUpdateSharedMemory to ensure data integrity on all possible platforms.

Any miniport that calls NdisMAllocateSharedMemoryAsync or NdisMAllocateSharedMemory must release all outstanding allocations with one or more calls to NdisMFreeSharedMemory when its NIC is removed, that is, when its MiniportHalt function is called.

Callers of NdisMAllocateSharedMemory run at IRQL PASSIVE_LEVEL.

See Also

MiniportAllocateComplete, MiniportHalt, MiniportInitialize, NdisAllocateBuffer, NdisAllocateBufferPool, NdisCreateLookaheadBufferFromSharedMemory, NdisDestroyLookaheadBufferFromSharedMemory, NdisFlushBuffer, NdisGetCacheFillSize, NdisMAllocateMapRegisters, NdisMAllocateSharedMemoryAsync, NdisMFreeSharedMemory, NdisMIndicateReceivePacket, NdisMSetAttributes, NdisMSetAttributesEx, NdisMStartBufferPhysicalMapping, NdisMUpdateSharedMemory, NdisSystemProcessorCount