Chapter 1 TDI Transport Driver Dispatch Routines

Like any other standard Windows NT kernel-mode intermediate driver, a TDI transport driver can have several Dispatch routines, up to one for each system-defined IRP_MJ_XXX code that the driver must handle.

This describes the set of I/O requests for which every transport driver that supports the TDI interface must provide one or more TdiDispatchXxx routines, and it describes the relevant members of each such IRP input to a transport driver's TdiDispatchXxx routine(s).

For more information about the architecture of standard kernel-mode intermediate drivers and the functionality of their Dispatch routines, see the Kernel-Mode Driver Design Guide. For more information about the structure of IRPs, the driver-accessible fields of device and file objects, and the kernel-mode support routines mentioned here, see the Kernel-Mode Driver Reference.

The following TdiDispatchXxx routines are described in alphabetic order. For convenience, this describes a separate TdiDispatchXxx routine for each IRP_MJ_XXX that any transport driver must handle in order to support the TDI interface.