When a kernel-mode client makes a TDI_SEND_DATAGRAM request, it asks the underlying TDI transport driver to transmit a TSDU, as a datagram, to a specified remote-node address.
The transport calls IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation with the given Irp to get a pointer to its own I/O stack location in the IRP, shown in the following list as IrpSp. IRP members relevant to this request include the following:
The transport uses the members of this structure as follows:
A TDI transport does not send fragmented datagrams. Consequently, its client makes one send-datagram request to send each datagram, which is associated only with the particular request for a connectionless data transfer operation.
In its send-datagram request, the sending client provides a buffer containing the TSDU. The client can provide a buffer of any size up to the transport-determined limit. The transport is given ownership of this client-supplied buffer until it completes the send-datagram IRP. The transport fails any send-datagram request for which a client specifies a SendLength larger than the transport supports.
Clients can determine their underlying transports' send-size limits by submitting query-information requests with QueryType set to any of TDI_QUERY_PROVIDER_INFO, TDI_QUERY_DATAGRAM_INFO, or TDI_QUERY_MAX_DATAGRAM_INFO.
A transport can allow its clients to send zero-length datagrams. For example, a zero-length send-datagram request might force protocol flow.
Some transports allow clients to direct datagrams to remote-node multicast and/or broadcast addresses. The syntax of such a multicast or broadcast address is transport-specific.
As a connectionless transfer, a datagram-send is inherently unreliable. The transport can drop or duplicate a datagram at the discretion of the driver writer. The transport must complete each send-datagram IRP in a timely manner, whether with a success or error status. The driver should determine a reasonable time-out based on its knowledge of underlying network conditions.
If it queues datagrams internally, the transport must process send-datagram requests in FIFO order. Send-datagram requests should be queued separately from endpoint-to-endpoint send requests.
TdiBuildSendDatagram is the macro a client uses to fill in this IRP.