typedef struct _TDI_ACTION_HEADER { 
    ULONG   TransportId; 
    USHORT  ActionCode; 
    USHORT  Reserved; 

TDI_ACTION_HEADER is the initial structure in any client-supplied action parameter block passed in a TDI_ACTION request to the underlying transport driver.


Specifies a value identifying the TDI transport.

Any Microsoft-supplied transport defines an identifier as a 4-character string beginning with the letter "M." By convention, other transport vendors define their respective identifiers to begin with another letter.

Specifies the transport-defined action code, which must be unique to the transport driver designated by TransportId.
Specifies a reserved member that must be set to zero.


The remainder of an action parameter block is a transport-specific extension to the TDI interface. That is, the transport driver defines the structure and required contents for the remainder of the buffer that its kernel-mode clients must supply in each TDI_ACTION request.

See Also

TDI_ACTION, TdiBuildAction