
        IN PNDIS_TIMER Timer,
        IN UINT MillisecondsToDelay

NdisSetTimer is called by the NIC driver to set a timer object to expire after a specified number milliseconds.


Points to an NDIS_TIMER object that NdisInitializeTimer has initialized.
Specifies the number of milliseconds the operating system delays before calling the MacTimerFunction. This delay is relative to the current system time.


If the NIC driver calls NdisSetTimer with a value for MillisecondsToDelay that overlaps the interval set in its immediately preceding call to NdisSetTimer, its MacTimerFunction runs only once when the interval set in its most recent call to NdisSetTimer expires.

The resolution of the host timer can vary, so specifying a very short delay does not guarantee that the caller’s MacTimerFunction will be run at the end of the given interval. The granularity of the system clock is usually around ten milliseconds.

Callers of NdisSetTimer run at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL.

See Also

MacTimerFunction, NdisCancelTimer, NdisInitializeTimer